Accrual Daily Balances No CT

The Accrual Daily Balances No CT entity provides the available, vested, and probationary accrual balances for each unique employee and accrual code combination. This entity provides similar data as the Accrual Daily Balances entity, but for this entity No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster.

Data Granularity

Provides one row per accrual code and employee for the defined time period.

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Available Balance (Days) No CT Available Balance (Days). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_AVBL_BLNC_DAYS_NO_CT Number Yes
Available Balance (Hours) No CT Available Balance (Hours). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_AVBL_BLNC_HOURS_NO_CT Number Yes
Current Probationary Balance (Days) No CT Current Probationary Balance (Days). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_CURR_BLNC_PROB_DAYS_AMT_NO_CT Number Yes
Current Probationary Balance (Hours) No CT Current Probationary Balance (Hours). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_CURR_BLNC_PROB_HOURS_AMT_NO_CT Number Yes
Current Probationary Balance (Money) No CT Current Probationary Balance (Money). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_CURR_BLNC_PROB_MONEY_AMT_NO_CT Number Yes
Current Vested Balance (Days) No CT Current Vested Balance (Days). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_CURR_BLNC_VSTD_DAYS_AMT_NO_CT Number Yes
Current Vested Balance (Hours) No CT Current Vested Balance (Hours). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_CURR_BLNC_VSTD_HOURS_AMT_NO_CT Number Yes
Current Vested Balance (Money) No CT Current Vested Balance (Money). No callable totalization (CT) occurs so that totalized data loads faster TK_AS_DLY_SMRY_CURR_BLNC_VSTD_MONEY_AMT_NO_CT Number Yes

Additional Info

Balances provided for a defined time period are based on the last day of the time period. For example, if the time period date range is from January 1 to January 7, the data that is returned by these columns will be based on January 7.

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many