Scheduled Paycode Totals

The Scheduled Paycode Totals entity provides the total scheduled hours, wages, or days that related to the selected time period for a selected pay code. When creating a Dataview, you can select the pay code for which totals data will be provided. For example, to create a Dataview that shows the hours for each employee related to the "REGULAR" pay code that apply to the selected time period, configure the Paycode Total Scheduled Hours data column with an assignment value of "REGULAR".

Data Granularity

Provides one row per employee. The data that is returned is summarized for the selected time period.

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Paycode Total Scheduled Days TK_GENIE_SCHEDULED_TOTAL_DAYS Number No
Paycode Total Scheduled Hours TK_GENIE_SCHEDULED_TOTAL_HOURS Number No
Paycode Total Scheduled Wages TK_GENIE_SCHEDULED_TOTAL_WAGES Number No

Additional Info

  • When using the data columns in the Scheduled Paycode Totals Include Corrections, select the desired pay code from all available pay codes, including both Standard and Combined pay codes
  • When creating a Dataview, you can add the same data column from this entity multiple times, assigning a different pay code to each data column added. For example, to create a Dataview that shows the actual hours related to the "REGULAR" pay code and the "OVERTIME" pay code, you can add the Paycode Total Scheduled Hours (Include Corrections) data column twice, assigning the "REGULAR" pay code to one column and the "OVERTIME" pay code to the other
  • You can use the data columns in the Scheduled Paycode Totals entity in conjunction with the data columns in the Actual Paycode Totals Corrections and the Projected Paycode Totals Corrections entities to view a comparison of Actual to Projected to Scheduled. To do this, you must disable the Column Relationship Rules in the Dataview and assign the same pay code to the selected data columns in these entities

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many