The Schedule Rule Violations entity allows managers to view all schedule rule violations for a location or group of employees. This will let managers evaluate how many of each type of violation are occurring, how many rule violations are unresolved, and which employees frequently have schedule rule violations.
When the Schedule Rule Violations entity is used in an Employee Dataview, only employee rule violations are returned. To obtain the employee data, use the columns provided in the Employee Details entity.
When the Schedule Rule Violations entity is used in a Business Structure Dataview, both employee and organizational rule violations are included. You can use certain data columns from the Employee Details entity in the Business Structure or Business Structure Time Series Dataview to identify employees. Use the Rule Violation Location column to report the location of the org rule violation. Note that employee rule violations have no jobs or locations associated with them in a Business Structure Dataview.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per employee or location/job per rule violation.
Columns defined in the Schedule Rule Violations entity can be used in either an Employee or Business Structure Dataview, but an Employee Dataview will not include organizational rule violations.