The Projected Totals Include Corrections entity provides the total hours, wages or days that are related to all Historical Correction transactions that were performed in the selected time period for all historical correction transactions that were performed in the selected time period. When creating a Dataview, you can define how the totals data is summarized by selecting the desired parameter value from the following:
Employee, Date
Employee, Time Period
Employee, Pay Code, Date
Employee, Pay Code, Time Period
Employee, Job, Date
Employee, Job, Time Period
Employee, Job, Pay Code, Date
Employee, Job, Pay Code, Time Period
Employee, Labor Category, Date
Employee, Labor Category, Time Period
Employee, Labor Category, Pay Code, Date
Employee, Labor Category, Pay Code, Time Period
Employee, Job, Labor Category, Date
Employee, Job, Labor Category, Time Period
Employee, Job, Labor Category, Pay Code, Date
Employee, Job, Labor Category, Pay Code, Time Period
For example, if you select the "Employee, Pay Code, Time Period" parameter value, when you execute a Dataview, it will return totals data related to projected historical correction transactions for each employee and pay code with the data summarized for the selected time period.
Data Granularity
The granularity is based on the selected summarization parameter value.
When using the Projected Totals Include Corrections entity, it is important to include data columns that relate to the selected summarization parameter value. For example, if you are adding the Projected Total Hours (Include Corrections) data column to a Dataview and have chosen to summarize by "Employee, Job, Labor Category, Pay Code, Date," it is critical that you include the following data columns to help the user understand the data that is returned: