Schedule Rule Overrides

The Schedule Rule Overrides entity provides the information related to schedule rule overrides assigned to the employee, the override values, effective date and expiration dates.

Data Granularity

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Schedule Rule Override The name of the schedule rule with a defined override assigned to the employee PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_RULE_OVERRIDE String No
Schedule Rule Override Effective Date The effective date of the schedule rule override assigned to the employee PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_RULE_OVERRIDE_EFF_DATE Date No
Schedule Rule Override Expiration Date The expiration date of the schedule rule override assigned to the employee PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_RULE_OVERRIDE_EXP_DATE Date No
Schedule Rule Override Values The values configured with a defined override assigned to the employee PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_RULE_OVERRIDE_VALUES String No

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many