Time-off Request Actors | Names of the users who have approved or rejected the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_ACTORS | String | No |
Time-off Request Creation Date | Date and time that the time-off request was created and submitted by the employee | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_CREATE_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
Time-off Request Creator Full Name | Full name of the user who created the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_CREATOR_NAME | String | No |
Time-off Request Employee Comments & Notes | List of the comments and associated notes that the employee has applied to the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_EMP_COMMENTS_NOTES | String | No |
Time-off Request ID | System identifier of the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_ID | String | No |
Time-off Request Item Duration | The hours or days of requested time-off | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_DURATION | Number | No |
Time-off Request Item End Date | End date and time of the requested time-off items | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_END_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
Time-off Request Item Start Date | Start date and time of the requested time-off items | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_START_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
Time-off Request Manager Comments & Notes | List of the comments and associated notes that a manager has applied to the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_MGR_COMMENTS_NOTES | String | No |
Time-off Request Status | Current status of the time-off request: that is, the status of the request at the time that the Dataview or report is executed by a user | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_STATUS | String | No |
Time-off Request Status Code | Code representing the status of the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE | String | No |
Time-off Request Subtype Description | Description of the time-off request subtype | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_SUBTYPE_DSC | String | No |
Time-off Request Subtype Name | Name of the request subtype that is associated with the time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_SUBTYPE_NAME | String | No |
Time-off Request Subtype Symbol | Symbol of the time-off request subtype | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_SUBTYPE_SYMBOL | String | No |
Time-off Request Symbolic Amount | Symbolic amount of the requested time-off | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_SYMBOLIC_AMOUNT | String | No |