All Exceptions Count | Number of exceptions | DS_AUD_EXCEPTION_COUNT | Number | No |
All Punch Edits Count | Number of punch edits | DS_AUD_PUNCH_EDITS_COUNT | Number | No |
All Punches Count | Number of punches entered | DS_AUD_PUNCH_COUNT | Number | No |
All Shifts Count | Number of shifts created | DS_AUD_SHIFT_COUNT | Number | No |
Auditor Primary Job | The primary job of the employee at the time of Auditor count transaction | DS_AUD_JOB | String | No |
Auditor Primary Job Description | The primary job of the employee at the time of Auditor count transaction | DS_AUD_JOB_DSC | String | No |
Cancelled Meal Break Count | Number of canceled meals | DS_AUD_CANCELED_MEALS_COUNT | Number | No |
Count Change % (Previous Month to Current Month) | Change in Count as % from previous month to current month | DS_AUD_COUNT_CHANGE_PERCENT | Number | No |
Deleted Punch Count | Number of deleted punches | DS_AUD_DELETED_PUNCHES_COUNT | Number | No |
Early In Count | Number of early-in exceptions | DS_AUD_IN_EARLY_COUNT | Number | No |
Early Out Count | Number of early-out exceptions | DS_AUD_OUT_EARLY_COUNT | Number | No |
Extra Time Exception Count | Number of extra time exceptions (i.e., early-in and late-out) | DS_AUD_EXTRA_TIME_COUNT | Number | No |
Final Punch Time Edit Count | Number of punch edits changing the punch time when comparing the first and last punch transactions (i.e. final punch) | DS_AUD_FINAL_PUNCH_TIME_EDITED_COUNT | Number | No |
Final Punches Count | Number of non-deleted punches | DS_AUD_FINAL_PUNCH_COUNT | Number | No |
Final Shifts Count | Number of non-deleted shifts | DS_AUD_FINAL_SHIFT_COUNT | Number | No |
Forward Schedule Edits Count | Number of schedule changes done before or up to the start of the shift. Counts shift edits and deleted shifts | DS_AUD_FORWARD_SCHED_CHANGES_COUNT | Number | No |
Forward Shift Deletions Count | Number of shifts deleted before or up to the start of the shift | DS_AUD_FORWARD_DELETED_SHIFTS_COUNT | Number | No |
Forward Shift Edits Count | Number of shift edits done before or up to the start of the shift. Only applies to non-deleted shifts | DS_AUD_FORWARD_SHIFT_EDITS_COUNT | Number | No |
Late In Count | Number of late-in exceptions | DS_AUD_IN_LATE_COUNT | Number | No |
Late Out Count | Number of late-out exceptions | DS_AUD_OUT_LATE_COUNT | Number | No |
Lost Time Exception Count | Number of lost time exceptions (i.e., early-out and late-in) | DS_AUD_LOST_TIME_COUNT | Number | No |
Month Name | Name of the calendar month | DS_AUD_RATE_MONTH_NAME | String | No |
Month Number | Number of the calendar month | DS_AUD_MONTH | Number | No |
Month Year Name | Name of the calendar month and calendar year | DS_AUD_RATE_MONTH_YEAR_NAME | String | No |
Punch Time Edit Count | Number of punch edits changing the punch time | DS_AUD_PUNCH_TIME_EDITS_COUNT | Number | No |
Retro Schedule Edit Count | Number of schedule changes done after the start of the shift. Only applies to non-deleted shifts. Counts shift edits and deleted shifts | DS_AUD_RETRO_SCHED_CHANGES_COUNT | Number | No |
Retro Shift Deletion Count | Number of shifts deleted after the start of the shift | DS_AUD_RETRO_DELETED_SHIFTS_COUNT | Number | No |
Retro Shift Edit Count | Number of shift edits done after the start of the shift. Only applies to non-deleted shifts | DS_AUD_RETRO_SHIFT_EDITS_COUNT | Number | No |
Small Punch Time Edit Count | Number of punch edits changing the punch time less than or equal to 15 minutes when comparing the first and last punch transactions (i.e. final punch) | DS_AUD_FINAL_PUNCH_TIME_EDITED_LESS_OR_EQ_15MIN_COUNT | Number | No |
Update Date and Time | Date and Time of freshness of Auditor data | DS_AUD_DATA_UPDATE_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Worked Shifts Count | Number of worked shifts | DS_AUD_WORKED_SHIFT_COUNT | Number | No |
Year | Calendar Year | DS_AUD_RATE_YEAR | Number | No |