Schedule Metrics (Location)

The Schedule Metrics (Location) entity provides data for location-based schedule metrics for use in Dataviews and reports.

Data Granularity

Provides one row per day and span per hours per volume type.

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Actual Hours Per Volume Total actual productive hours divided by the actual or weighted actual volume SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_ACT_HRS_BY_VOLUME Number No
Budgeted Workload Hours Per Volume Total budgeted workload hours for the time period divided by the budgeted or weighted budgeted volume SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_BUDGET_WORKLOAD_BY_VOLUME Number No
Planned Workload Hours Per Volume Total planned workload hours for the time period divided by the budgeted or weighted budgeted volume SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_PLAN_WORKLOAD_BY_VOLUME Number No
Schedule Metrics (Location) Date Schedule metrics (location) date SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_DATE Date No
Schedule Metrics (Location) Span Name Name of the span (zone name or standard shift set name) for which the metric has been returned SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_SPAN_NAME String No
Schedule Metrics (Location) Span Type Type of the span (zone name or standard shift set name) for which the metric has been returned SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_SPAN_TYPE String No
Schedule Metrics Location Name (Path) Location Name (Path) for which metric has been returned SCH_SCHEDULE_LOCATION_METRICS_LOCATION_PATH String No

Additional Info

The Schedule Metrics (Location) entity can be used in conjunction with columns from existing Volume entities (for example, Actual Volume, Plan Volume, and Budget Volume) to view volume data and hours-per-volume data together in Business Structure Dataviews and reports.

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many