The Exceptions entity provides, at a transactional level, the necessary data columns to report on the exceptions triggered by employees, based on the exception rules that have been configured in the system (for example, Late In-Punch). The Exceptions entity returns one row per employee per exception. Therefore, if an employee has triggered three exceptions on a given day, three rows are returned.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per employee per exception for the defined time period.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Actual Punch Date Time | TK_EXCEPTIONS_ACTUALDATETIME | Date | No | |
Exception Apply Date | TK_EXCEPTIONS_APPLYDATE | Date | No | |
Exception Category | TK_EXCEPTIONS_TYPE_CATEGORY | String | No | |
Exception Comments | TK_EXCEPTIONS_COMMENTSNOTES_NAME | String | No | |
Exception Hours | TK_EXCEPTIONS_VIOLATION_IN_HOURS | Number | No | |
Exception Type | TK_EXCEPTIONS_TYPE_DISPLAYNAME | String | No | |
Exception Type (System Name) | TK_EXCEPTIONS_TYPE | String | No | |
Exception Type Description | TK_EXCEPTIONS_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | String | No | |
Hours Over Exception | TK_EXCEPTIONS_OVERLIMIT_IN_HOURS | Number | No | |
In Punch Exception Indicator | TK_EXCEPTIONS_ISSTARTEXCEPTION | Boolean | No | |
Missing Time Status | The status of exception in terms of Missing Time Justification (Employee Justified, Manager Justified, Auto-resolved) | TK_EXCEPTIONS_JUSTIFICATION_STATUS | String | No |
Out Punch Exceptions Indicator | TK_EXCEPTIONS_ISENDEXCEPTION | Boolean | No | |
Reviewed Exception Indicator | TK_EXCEPTIONS_ISREVIEWED | Boolean | No | |
Scheduled Punch Date Time | TK_EXCEPTIONS_SCHEDULEDDATETIME | Date | No | |
Work Rule Name | TK_EXCEPTIONS_WORKRULE_NAME | String | No |
Related Entities
Additional Info
- Because the data is processed at the transactional level, it is important for users to include the Exception Type and Exception Apply Date columns when creating a Dataview or report so that they can understand the data that is being returned
- The Actual Punch Date Time column provides the actual date and time at which the employee punched in or punched out in relation to an exception. Users can add this column to view the actual punch time (In or Out) related to exceptions that are associated with an actual punch
- The Scheduled Punch Date Time column provides the date and time at which the employee was scheduled to punch in or punch out in relation to an exception. Users can add this column when creating a Dataview or report to view the scheduled punch time (In or Out) related to exceptions that are associated with a scheduled punch.
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |