Job Description — Full Path (Worked) | Full path of the job to which actual, scheduled, or projected time is charged using the description of each location | CORE_ORGJOB_PATH_DSC | String | No |
Job Full Name — Full Path (Worked) | Full path of the job to which actual, scheduled, or projected time is charged using the full name of each location | CORE_ORGJOB_PATH_FULL_NM | String | No |
Job Name - Full Path (Worked) | Full path of the job to which actual, scheduled, or projected time is charged | CORE_ORGJOB_PATH | String | No |
Job Name (Worked) | Name of the job to which actual, scheduled, or projected time is charged | CORE_ORGJOB | String | No |
Location Description (Worked) | Description of the worked location based on the selected location type | CORE_ORGJOB_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION | String | Yes |
Location Full Name (Worked) | Full name of the worked location based on the selected location type | CORE_ORGJOB_LOCATION_FULL_NAME | String | Yes |
Location Name (Worked) | Name of the worked location based on the selected location type | CORE_ORGJOB_LOCATION_NAME | String | Yes |