Attendance Actions Summary
The Attendance Actions Summary entity provides the data columns that are necessary to view data related to the most recent Attendance action associated with employees for the defined time period. You can create a Dataview that shows the action that was triggered by the Attendance application and all details related to that action, such as the date on which it was triggered, the date on which it was completed, the status of the action, and the balance associated with it.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per employee.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Action Completion Date | LP_ACTION_COMPLETION_DATE | Date | No | |
Action ID | LP_ACTION_ID | String | No | |
Action Initiated Date | LP_ACTION_INITIATED_DATE | Date | No | |
Action Name | LP_ACTION_NAME | String | No | |
Action Type | LP_ACTION_PENDING_TYPE | String | No | |
Action Type Name | LP_ACTION_PENDING_TYPE_NAME | String | No | |
Policy ID | LP_ACTION_POLICY_ID | String | No | |
Action Policy Name | LP_ACTION_POLICY_NAME | String | No | |
Action Status | LP_ACTION_STATUS | String | No | |
Action Triggered Date | LP_ACTION_TRIGGERED_DATE | Date | No | |
Balance Name | LP_BALANCE_NAME | String | No | |
Discipline Level | LP_DISCIPLINE_LEVEL_NAME | String | No | |
Last Processed Day | LP_LAST_PROCESSED_DAY | Date | No | |
Point Balance | LP_POINT_BALANCE | Number | No | |
Processed Through Date | LP_PROCESSED_THROUGH_DATE | Date | No | |
Time Balance | LP_TIME_BALANCE | Number | No |
Related Entities
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |