Activity Segment Efficiency

The Activity Segment Efficiency entity shows the efficiency of the activity segment based on the allocated, earned hours and quantity. Two types of efficiency are calculated. If the efficiency type = 0, the entity represents the efficiency of the activity segment as a whole. If the efficiency type =1, the entity shows the efficiency each time that a new quantity is added for the activity segment. This allows users to track the efficiency over the full duration of the activity segment.

Data Granularity

When the efficiency type = SEGMENT, the Activity Segment Efficiency entity provides one efficiency value per activity segment row. When the efficiency type = SUBSEGMENT, it provides many efficiency values to one activity sub-segment rows. The number of sub-segment rows reflects the number of times for which quantity results were reported.

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Efficiency Allocated Hours Allocated hours that are used to calculate the efficiency of this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_EARNED_HOURS Number No
Earned Hours Calculated earned hours for this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_EARNED_HOURS Number No
Segment Efficiency Efficiency calculated for this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_SEGMENT_EFFICIENCY Number No
Segment Start Datetime Start date/time for this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_SEGMENT_START_DATETIME DateTime No
Segment Start Timezone Timezone for the start time of this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_SEGMENT_START_TIME_ZONE String No
Segment End Datetime End date/time for this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_SEGMENT_END_DATETIME DateTime No
Segment End Timezone Timezone for the end time of this activity segment or sub-segment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_SEGMENT_END_TIME_ZONE String No
Efficiency Quantity Quantity used to calculate efficiency. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_QUANTITY Number No
Segment Efficiency Type Segment or sub-segment type of efficiency. Either Segment or Subsegment. WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_SEGMENT_EFFICIENCY_TYPE Enum No
Efficiency Activity Segment ID Activity segment ID associated with this efficiency WORK_ACTIVITY_EFFICIENCY_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_ID String No

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


Core Entity Relationship
Employee One to Many
Activity One to One