Actual Paycode Totals - Corrections Only
The Actual Paycode Totals Corrections Only provides the total hours, wages, or days related to a historical correction made during the selected time period for a selected pay code. When creating a Dataview, you can select the pay code for which totals data will be provided. For example, to create a Dataview that shows the hours for each employee that are related to the "REGULAR" pay code and that were generated by a historical correction performed in the selected time period, configure the Paycode Total Actual Hours (Corrections Only) data column with an assignment value of “REGULAR.”
Data Granularity
Provides one row per Employee. The data that is returned is summarized for the selected time period.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Paycode Total Actual Days (Corrections Only) | Returns the day totals for the assigned paycode summed for the timeframe. Note that this column populates a total only for day-type paycodes that were generated by a historical correction and were included in totals. | TK_GENIE_ACTUAL_TOTAL_DAYS_ONLY_CORRECTIONS | Number | No |
Paycode Total Actual Hours (Corrections Only) | Returns the hour totals for the assigned paycode summed for the timeframe. Note that this column populates a total only for hour-type paycodes that were generated by a historical correction and were included in totals. | TK_GENIE_ACTUAL_TOTAL_HOURS_ONLY_CORRECTIONS | Number | No |
Paycode Total Actual Wages (Corrections Only) | Returns the wage totals for the assigned paycode summed for the timeframe. Note that this column populates a total only for hour or wage paycodes that were generated by a historical correction, included in totals, and have a monetary amount associated with them. | TK_GENIE_ACTUAL_TOTAL_WAGES_ONLY_CORRECTIONS | Number | No |
Related Entities
Additional Info
- When using the data columns in the Actual Paycode Totals Corrections Only entity, select the desired pay code from all available pay codes, including both Standard and Combined pay codes.
- When creating a Dataview, you can add the same data column from the Actual Paycode Totals Corrections Only entity multiple times, assigning a different pay code to each. For example, to create a Dataview that shows the actual hours that are related to the "REGULAR" pay code and the "OVERTIME" pay code, you can add the Paycode Total Actual Hours (Corrections Only) data column twice, assigning the "REGULAR" pay code to one column and the "OVERTIME" pay code to the other.
- You can use the data columns in the Actual Paycode Totals Corrections Only entity in conjunction with the data columns in the Projected Paycode Totals Corrections Only and the Scheduled Paycode Totals entities to view a comparison of Actual to Projected to Scheduled. To do this, you must disable the Column Relationship Rules in the Dataview and assign the same pay code to the selected data columns in these entities.
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |