
The Audit entity provides data related to timecard transactions, including the addition, edit, or removal of punches, paycode edits, comments, and leave edits. The data columns allow for the creation of Dataviews and reports that provide the data available through the Audit add-on that is visible in the timecard.

Data Granularity

One row per employee per audited transaction.

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


AppId A unique identifier of the mobile (Official) app on the device. AUDIT_APP_ID String No
Application The application (ex: browser, mobile app) and the device used when connecting with the system. AUDIT_APPLICATION String No
Approval Job The full path of the job approved. Leveraged for multiple approvers. AUDIT_APPROVAL_JOB String No
Approval Job ID ID of the approved worked job AUDIT_APPROVAL_JOB_ID String No
Audit ID Audit ID AUDIT_ENTITY_ID String No
Behalf of User When timecard edits are performed while user A is impersonating person B, this will populate with user A's user name. AUDIT_ONBEHALFOF_USERNAME String No
Behalf of User ID Employee ID of the Delegator or Proxied User AUDIT_ONBEHALFOF_USER_ID String No
Canceled Deduction Name The name of the deduction that has been canceled. AUDIT_CANCELED_DEDUCTION_NAME String No
Comment Text The text of the comment. AUDIT_COMMENT_TEXT String No
Datasource The datasource for the edit. Ex: Timecard Editor AUDIT_DATASOURCE String No
Datasource - IP Address The IP address (Public) of the client used for a transaction. AUDIT_DATASOURCE_IP_ADDRESS String No
Delegator The name of the person who delegated authority AUDIT_DELEGATOR String No
Duration (Days) The number of days. This will populate from either paycode edits or days generated from historical corrections. AUDIT_AMOUNT_DAYS Number No
Duration (Hours) The number of hours. This will populate from either paycode edits or hours generated from historical corrections. AUDIT_AMOUNT_HOURS Number No
Duration (Money) The amount of money. This will populate from either paycode edits or money amounts generated from historical corrections. AUDIT_AMOUNT_MONEY Number No
Employee ID This is the employee ID from the database. This is NOT the employee ID as seen in the application. AUDIT_EMPLOYEE_ID String No
Employee Number This is the employee ID as seen throughout the application. AUDIT_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER String No
Entity Event Date The date and time the revision was made on in the timecard. Ex: Today, May 18th, a manager adds a punch in an associate's timecard on 5/16. 5/16 will populate. AUDIT_ENTITY_EVENT_DATE Date No
Entity Type The type of entity upon which an edit was done. Ex: Punch, Pay Code Edit. AUDIT_ENTITY_TYPE String No
Historical Correction Date Returns the historical date on which a correction was performed. AUDIT_ORIGINAL_DATE Date No
Note Text The text of the note. AUDIT_NOTE_TEXT String No
Pay Rule on Historical Correction Date The employee's assigned pay rule on the date to which a historical correction was made. AUDIT_PAY_RULE_HISTORICAL_DATE String No
Paycode Name The name of the paycode. This will populate for pay code edits. AUDIT_PAYCODE_NAME String No
Paycode ID ID of the paycode edit AUDIT_PAYCODE_ID String No
Punch Time Returns the date and time of the punch. TKAUDIT_PUNCH_TIME DateTime No
Punch Override The punch override type. Ex: In Punch, Out Punch. TKAUDIT_PUNCH_OVERRIDE String No
Revision Date The date and time the revision was made on. Ex: Today, May 18th, a manager adds a punch in an associate's timecard on 5/16. 5/18 will populate. AUDIT_REVISION_DATETIME DateTime No
Revision ID Revision ID AUDIT_REVISION_ID String No
Revision Type The type of revision performed. Ex: Add, Delete. AUDIT_REVISION_TYPE String No
Revision User Returns the Employee ID (Employee Number in this entity) of the user who made the edit. AUDIT_REVISION_USER String No
Revision User Employee ID The Revision User's alphanumeric employee identifier (Employee ID). AUDIT_REVISION_USER_PERSONNUM String No
Revision User Function Access Profile The Function Access Profile assigned to the Revision User at the time of the edit. AUDIT_REVISION_USER_FAP String No
Transfer Cost Center Name The name of the transferred Cost Center. Note that this will only populate for transfers made explicitly in the timecard and will not include scheduled transfers. AUDIT_TRANSFER_COST_CENTER String No
Cost Center Transfer ID Cost Center Transfer ID of the transfer AUDIT_TRANSFER_COST_CENTER_ID String No
Transfer Job Name The name of the transferred Job. Note that this will only populate for transfers made explicitly in the timecard and will not include scheduled transfers. AUDIT_TRANSFER_JOB String No
Transfer Job ID Job ID of the transfer AUDIT_TRANSFER_JOB_ID String No
Transfer Labor Category Name The name of the transferred Labor Category. Note that this will only populate for transfers made explicitly in the timecard and will not include scheduled transfers. AUDIT_TRANSFER_LABORCATEGORIES String No
Transfer Labor Category ID Labor Category ID of the transfer AUDIT_TRANSFER_LABORCATEGORIES_ID String No
Transfer Work Rule Name The name of the transferred Work Rule. Note that this will only populate for transfers made explicitly in the timecard and will not include scheduled transfers. AUDIT_TRANSFER_WORKRULE String No
Transfer Work Rule ID Work Rule ID of the transfer AUDIT_TRANSFER_WORKRULE_ID String No

Additional Info

The Duration data columns included in the Audit entity only provide values when the audited transaction is a paycode edit.

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many