Mobile App
The Mobile App entity allows for the creation of mobile app-usage reports for a defined time period and user list. Specific device specifications, device settings, and last user login can be captured. A system setting allows for limiting the collected data to certain general items (such as App ID, Device type, and last login time) if more detailed information (such as access settings and specific device specifications) does not need to be tracked.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per mobile device.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
App ID | Unique identifier for the app on the device | MOBILE_APP_ID | String | No |
App Type | The mobile app type used to connect the system, like UKG Dimensions Mobile App, UKG Pro Mobile App | MOBILE_APP_TYPE | String | No |
App Version | Version of the mobile app currently installed on the device | MOBILE_APP_VERSION | String | No |
Device | Device type (iPhone, iPad, Android) | MOBILE_APP_DEVICE | String | No |
Locale | Locale setting on device | MOBILE_APP_LOCALE | String | No |
Location | State (on/off) of the Location Services setting on the device | MOBILE_APP_LOCATION | Boolean | No |
Manufacturer | Manufacturer of device | MOBILE_APP_MANUFACTURER | String | No |
Model | Model of device | MOBILE_APP_MODEL | String | No |
OS | Operating system and version running the device | MOBILE_APP_OS_VERSION | String | No |
Push | State (on/off) of the Allow Notifications setting on the device | MOBILE_APP_PUSH | Boolean | No |
Scan | State (on/off) of the Allow Camera Access setting on the device | MOBILE_APP_SCAN | Boolean | No |
Timestamp | Server time when last login occurred on this device | MOBILE_APP_TIMESTAMP | DateTime | No |
Related Entities
Additional Info
- There is a system setting that will restrict the data collected to only the following: App ID, Device, Timestamp
- The setting is accessible from the Mobile App tab in Administration > Application Setup > System Configuration > System Settings
- The setting is site.mobileapp.limitDeviceDetailsRecorded
- Set to True to limit the collected data to the three items above
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |