Time-Off Request Status History
The Time-Off Request Status History entity allows a user to see the path that a time-off request has taken through the approval process, such as who has changed the status of a request and when that status was changed. Use the columns in the Employee Details entity along with those in the Time-Off Request Status History entity to view data columns associated with the employee that is related to the time-off request.
Data Granularity
One row per employee per time-off request status change.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Time-off Request ID | System identifier of the time-off request item | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_HISTORY_ID | String | No |
Time-off Request Status Change Date | Date and time that the status of a time-off request was changed | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_HISTORY_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
Time-off Request Change User | Name of the user who modified the status of a time-off request | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_HISTORY_USER | String | No |
Time-off Request Changed From | Status of a time-off request before it was modified | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_HISTORY_CHG_FROM | String | No |
Time-off Request Changed To | Status of a time-off request after it was modified | TIMEOFF_REQUEST_HISTORY_CHG_TO | String | No |
Related Entities
Additional Info
The Time-Off Request Status History entity does not have a relationship with the Time-Off Request entity because the entities provide the data at different levels of granularity. If the Column Relationship Rules are enabled and the user selects a column from the Time-Off Request Status History entity, the user cannot add columns from the Time-Off Request entity.
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |