Average Worked Hours

The Average Worked Hours entity provides the data columns that are necessary to measure the average number of hours worked by employees per week. This data allows managers to understand if employees who are designated as full-time or part-time” are actually working the appropriate number of hours on average over a defined period of time. The entity provides two calculations of Average Weekly Hours. For both calculations, the application determines the Total Hours worked based on a standard combined pay code. Clients must configure this combined pay code (FTPT Contributing Pay Codes) with the other pay codes that they want to count towards this calculation. The Total Hours value is then used to calculate Average Weekly Hours (All Weeks) and Average Weekly Hours (Worked Only). The All Weeks version is calculated as Totals Hours / Worked Weeks (All Weeks) where the system calculates the number of weeks by determining the days in the defined time period and dividing that by 7. Only complete weeks are counted. The Worked Weeks version is calculated as Totals Hours / Worked Weeks (Worked Weeks) where the system calculates the number of weeks by first determining the days in the defined time period and dividing that by 7. It then includes only those weeks in which the employee has had a transaction using one of the pay codes configured in the FTPT Contributing Pay Codes combined pay code. Here too, only complete weeks are counted.

Data Granularity

Provides on row per employee for the selected timeframe

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Average Weekly Hours (All Weeks) TK_FTPTDATA_ALL_AVG_WEEKLY_HOURS Number No
Average Weekly Hours (Worked Only) TK_FTPTDATA_WORKED_AVG_WEEKLY_HOURS Number Yes
Worked Weeks (All Weeks) TK_FTPTDATA_ALL_NO_OF_WEEKS Number No
Worked Weeks (Worked Only) TK_FTPTDATA_WORKED_NO_OF_WEEKS Number Yes

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many