The Availability Request Status History entity allows a user to see the path that a request for availability has taken through the approval process, such as who has changed the status of a request and when that status was changed.
Use the columns in the Employee Details entity along with those in the Availability Request Status History entity to view data columns associated with the employee that is related to the availability request.
Data Granularity
One row per employee per request item per status change.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Business Structure
Employee - Time Series
Business Structure - Time Series
Work Unit
Work Unit - Time Series
Status Changed
Date and time of the availability request change
Status Change Made By
Name of the person who made the availability request change
The Availability Request Status History entity does not have a relationship with the Availability Request Detail entity because the entities provide the data at different levels of granularity. If the Column Relationship Rules are enabled and the user selects a column from the Availability Request Status History entity, the user cannot add columns from the Availability Request Detail entity.