Accepted | Boolean to indicate if the Activity Segment has been accepted | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_ACCEPTED | Boolean | No |
Activity Processed Segment ID | Identifier for calculated activity segment | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ID | String | No |
Activity Segment Day Divide | Day Divide Indicator. Either 0 for no day divide, 1 for before day divide, or 2 for after day divide. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_DAY_DIVIDE | Enum | No |
Activity Segment Direct Earned Hours | Earned hours calculated for this segment if they are for a direct activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_EFFICIENCY_DIRECT_EARNED_HOURS | Number | No |
Activity Segment Earned Hours | Calculated earned hours for this segment or sub-segment (Standard Rate * Quantity). | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_EFFICIENCY_EARNED_HOURS | Number | No |
Activity Segment Efficiency | Percent efficiency calculated for this segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_EFFICIENCY_EFFICIENCY | Number | No |
Activity Segment Efficiency Allocated Hours | Allocated hours allocated for this raw segment for efficiency. | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_EFFICIENCY_ALLOCATED_HOURS | Number | No |
Activity Segment Efficiency Direct Allocated Hours | Amount of time in this transaction that was directly allocated, as calculated for efficiency. | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_EFFICIENCY_DIRECT_ALLOCATED_HOURS | Number | No |
Activity Segment Efficiency Quantity | Quantity used in calculating the efficiency. | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_EFFICIENCY_QUANTITY | Number | No |
Activity Segment ID | Activity segment identifier associated with this processed segment. Either 0 for hourly or 15 for duration | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_ID | Enum | No |
Activity Segment Total Allocated Hours | Total allocated hours summed up to the raw segment, or processed segment if no raw segment is available. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_RAW_SEGMENT_ALLOCATED_HOURS | Number | No |
Activity Segment Total Direct Allocated Hours | Total direct allocated hours summed up to the raw segment, or processed segment if no raw segment is available. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_RAW_SEGMENT_ALLOCATED_DIRECT_HOURS | Number | No |
Actual End Date Time | Activity transaction end time. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_END_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Actual End Timezone | The timezone associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_END_TIMEZONE | String | No |
Actual Start Date Time | Actual start time associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_START_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Actual Start Timezone | Actual start timezone associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_START_TIMEZONE | String | No |
Adjusted End Date Time | Adjusted end time associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ROUNDED_END_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Adjusted End Timezone | Adjusted end timezone associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ROUNDED_END_TIMEZONE | String | No |
Adjusted Start Date Time | Adjusted start time associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ROUNDED_START_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Adjusted Start Timezone | Adjusted start timezone associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ROUNDED_START_TIMEZONE | String | No |
Allocated Hours | The amount of time in this segment that was allocated (in seconds). | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ALLOCATED_SECONDS | Number | No |
Apply Date | Date on which this activity segment was applied to totals. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_APPLY_DATE | Date | No |
Auto Resolved | Activity segment is auto resolved. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_AUTO_RESOLVED | Boolean | No |
Comments & Notes | A list of comments and notes associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_COMMENTS_AND_NOTES | String | No |
Concurrent Indicator | This activity segment was concurrent with another activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_CONCURRENT | Boolean | No |
Data Source ID | The source that created this activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_DATA_SOURCE_ID | String | No |
Date Time Result Value | The date/time value entered for the result segment. If more than one date/time result was entered, this value is their sum. | WORK_ACTIVITY_RESULT_SEGMENT_DATETIME_RESULT | DateTime | No |
Decimal Result Value | The decimal value entered for this activity segment. If more than one decimal result was entered, this value is their sum. | WORK_ACTIVITY_RESULT_SEGMENT_FLOATING_DECIMAL_RESULT | Number | No |
Deducted Hours | The amount of deducted time for this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_DEDUCTED_SECONDS | Number | No |
Direct Indicator | The activity segment is an activity that is chargeable. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_DIRECT | Boolean | No |
Duration Order | Because duration activity segments do not have a start time, the system orders them by the time at which they were entered by the user. The order of an activity segment can be changed from the timecard through the Reorder Activity function. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_DURATION_ORDER | Number | No |
Duration Result Value | The expected quantity to be completed during the standard hour | WORK_ACTIVITY_RESULT_SEGMENT_TIME_ RESULT | Number | No |
Employee Approval Status | Indicates employee approval status for activity segment | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_EMPLOYEE_APPROVAL_STATUS | Boolean | No |
Empty Transfer | Boolean indicator to indicate if the activity segment is an empty transfer | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_EMPTY_TRANSFER | Boolean | No |
Event Type | Activity segment event type | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_EVENT_TYPE | Enum | No |
Form Code | Activity segment generated by a Form execution either through the clock or the Web | WORK_ACTIVITY_FORM_CODE | String | No |
Form Description | Form description. | WORK_ACTIVITY_FORM_DESCRIPTION | String | No |
Form Type | Type of form: for example, Start/Stop. | WORK_ACTIVITY_FORM_TYPE | String | No |
Idle | Activity segment is idle. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_IDLE | Boolean | No |
Manager Approval Status | Indicates manager approval status for activity segment | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_MANAGER_APPROVAL_STATUS | Boolean | No |
Mismatched | Activity segment is mismatched. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_MISMATCHED | Boolean | No |
Missing Results | Activity segment is missing results. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_MISSING_RESULTS | Boolean | No |
Money Amount | The money amount associated with this activity segment. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_MONEY_AMOUNT | Number | No |
Numeric Result Value | The numeric value entered for this activity segment. If more than one numeric result was entered, this value is their sum. | WORK_ACTIVITY_RESULT_SEGMENT_NUMERIC_RESULT | Number | No |
Open Segment Indicator | Indicates the activity segment is currently open | WORK_ACTIVITY_TRANSACTION_SEGMENT_OPEN_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Orphan Indicator | Activity segment is an orphan. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_ORPHAN | Boolean | No |
Overage Duration | The amount of time this segment had overage. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_OVERAGE_DURATION_IN_SECONDS | Number | No |
Overallocated | Activity segment is overallocated. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_OVERALLOCATED | Boolean | No |
Raw Segment Duration | The duration amount for this duration type activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_DURATION_IN_SECONDS | Number | No |
Raw Segment Duration Date | The date of this duration type activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_DURATION_DATE | Date | No |
Standard Cost | The standard cost amount for this activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_STANDARD_COST_AMOUNT | Number | No |
Standard Hours | The standard hours associated with this activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_STANDARD_HOURS | Number | No |
Standard Quantity | The standard quantity associated with this activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_STANDARD_QUANTITY | Number | No |
Standard Rate | The standard rate amount associated with this activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_STANDARD_RATE_AMOUNT | Number | No |
Standard Seconds | The standard seconds associated with this activity. | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_STANDARD_SECONDS | Number | No |
System Generated End Indicator | This segment was generated by the system (for example, end time for Stop-Only transaction). | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_SYSTEM_END_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
System Generated Start Indicator | This segment was generated by the system(for example, start time for Stop-Only transaction). | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_SYSTEM_START_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Text Result Value | The text value entered for this activity segment. If more than one text result was entered, this value is their sum. | WORK_ACTIVITY_RESULT_SEGMENT_TEXT_RESULT | String | No |
Time Result Value | Expected quantity to be completed in the standard hour. | WORK_ACTIVITY_RESULT_SEGMENT_TIME_RESULT | Number | No |
Work Item ID | The activity segment work item identifier. | WORK_ACTIVITY_PROCESSED_SEGMENT_WORK_ITEM_ID | String | No |
Work Rule Name | The name used to identify the work rule | WORK_ACTIVITY_SEGMENT_WORK_RULE | String | No |