Actual Days | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ACTUAL_DAYS | Number | No |
Actual Hours | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ACTUAL_HOURS | Number | No |
Actual Wages | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ACTUAL_WAGES | Number | No |
Apply Date | | TIMECARD_TRANS_APPLY_DATE | Date | No |
Calendar Date | The calendar date to where this transaction was applied | TIMECARD_TRANS_CALENDAR_DATE | Date | No |
Comments Text | | TIMECARD_TRANS_COMMENTS | String | No |
End Date Time | | TIMECARD_TRANS_END_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
End Date Time (Rounded) | The rounded date and time of the employee's out punch | TIMECARD_TRANS_END_DATETIME_ROUNDED | DateTime | No |
End Time | End Time of the Timecard Transaction | TIMECARD_TRANS_END_TIME | Time | No |
End Time (Rounded) | The rounded time of the employee's out punch | TIMECARD_TRANS_END_TIME_ROUNDED | Time | No |
In Punch Accuracy | The accuracy of an employee's in punch | IN_PUNCH_ACCURACY | Number | No |
In Punch Exceptions | | TIMECARD_TRANS_IN_EXCEPTIONS | String | No |
In Punch Geofence Method | Indicates how the geofence status of an employee's in punch was determined | IN_PUNCH_GEOMETHOD | String | No |
In Punch Geolocation | A concatenated string of the latitude, longitude, and accuracy coordinates of an in punch | IN_PUNCH_GEOLOCATION | String | No |
In Punch Is Unverified | Indicates if the employee's in punch has been verified against the defined known locations or not | IN_PUNCH_IS_UNVERIFIED | Boolean | No |
In Punch Known Place | The name of the Known Place (when the in punch is determined to be inside a Known Place) | IN_PUNCH_KNOWNPLACE | String | No |
In Punch Latitude | The latitude of an employee's in punch | IN_PUNCH_LATITUDE | Number | No |
In Punch Longitude | The longitude of an employee's in punch | IN_PUNCH_LONGITUDE | Number | No |
In Punch Outside of Geofence | Indicates if the employee's in punch was outside or inside the defined geofence | IN_PUNCH_OUTSIDE_GEOFENCE | Boolean | No |
In Punch QR Code | The name of the QR Code (when the in punch “Geofence Method” == “QR Code”) | IN_PUNCH_QRCODE | String | No |
In Punch WiFi Access | The name of the WiFi Access Point (when the in punch “Geofence Method” == “WiFi”) | IN_PUNCH_ACCESSPOINT | String | No |
In Punch WiFi Network | The name of the WiFi Network (when the in punch “Geofence Method” == “WiFi”) | IN_PUNCH_WIFINETWORK | String | No |
Include In Totals Indicator | Indicates if the historical correction made to the timecard is included in the calculated totals | TIMECARD_TRANS_INCLUDE_TOTALS | Boolean | No |
Original Days | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ORIGINAL_DAYS | Number | No |
Original Hours | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ORIGINAL_HOURS | Number | No |
Original Transaction Date | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ORIGINAL_DATE | Date | No |
Original Wages | | TIMECARD_TRANS_ORIGINAL_WAGES | Number | No |
Out Punch Accuracy | The accuracy of an employee's out punch | OUT_PUNCH_ACCURACY | Number | No |
Out Punch Exceptions | | TIMECARD_TRANS_OUT_EXCEPTIONS | String | No |
Out Punch Geofence Method | Indicates how the geofence status of an employee's out punch was determined | OUT_PUNCH_GEOMETHOD | String | No |
Out Punch Geolocation | A concatenated string of the latitude, longitude, and accuracy coordinates of an out punch | OUT_PUNCH_GEOLOCATION | String | No |
Out Punch Is Longitude | The longitude of an employee's out punch | OUT_PUNCH_LONGITUDE | Number | No |
Out Punch Is Unverified | Indicates if the employee's out punch has been verified against the defined known locations or not | OUT_PUNCH_IS_UNVERIFIED | Boolean | No |
Out Punch Known Place | The name of the Known Place (when the out punch is determined to be inside a Known Place) | OUT_PUNCH_KNOWNPLACE | String | No |
Out Punch Latitude | The latitude of an employee's out punch | OUT_PUNCH_LATITUDE | Number | No |
Out Punch Outside of Geofence | Indicates if the employee's out punch was outside or inside the defined geofence | OUT_PUNCH_OUTSIDE_GEOFENCE | Boolean | No |
Out Punch QR Code | The name of the QR Code (when the out punch “Geofence Method” == “QR Code”) | OUT_PUNCH_QRCODE | String | No |
Out Punch WiFi Access | The name of the WiFi Access Point (when the out punch “Geofence Method” == “WiFi”) | OUT_PUNCH_ACCESSPOINT | String | No |
Out Punch WiFi Network | The name of the WiFi Network (when the out punch “Geofence Method” == “WiFi”) | OUT_PUNCH_WIFINETWORK | String | No |
Paycode Name | | TIMECARD_TRANS_APPLY_TO | String | No |
Reviewed Date | Date in which the Timecard Transaction was performed | TIMECARD_TRANS_UPDATE_DATETIME | Date | No |
Reviewer Name | Name of person who reviewed the Timecard Transaction | TIMECARD_TRANS_UPDATE_USER | String | No |
Start Date Time | | TIMECARD_TRANS_START_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
Start Date Time (Rounded) | The rounded date and time of the employee's in punch | TIMECARD_TRANS_START_DATETIME_ROUNDED | DateTime | No |
Start Time | Start Time of the Timecard Transaction | TIMECARD_TRANS_START_TIME | Time | No |
Start Time (Rounded) | The rounded time of the employee's in punch | TIMECARD_TRANS_START_TIME_ROUNDED | Time | No |
Transaction Type | | TIMECARD_TRANS_TRANSACTION_TYPE | String | Yes |
Wage Paycode Name | The name of the Wage Paycode associated with the transaction | TIMECARD_TRANS_WAGE_PAYCODE_NAME | String | No |
Work Item ID | | TIMECARD_TRANS_WORK_ITEM_ID | String | No |
Work Rule Name | | TIMECARD_TRANS_WORK_RULE | String | No |