Schedule Audit Comment | Comment that was added to the schedule entity during the edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_COMMENT | String | No |
Schedule Audit Cost Center | Cost center that was added to schedule entity when it was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_COST_CENTER | String | No |
Schedule Audit Deleted | Switch that indicates whether the schedule entity was deleted | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DELETED | Boolean | No |
Schedule Audit Duration (Days) | Duration associated with the edited pay code (in days) | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DURATION_DAYS | Number | No |
Schedule Audit Duration (Hours) | Duration associated with the edited pay code (in hours) | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DURATION_HOURS | Number | No |
Schedule Audit Duration (Money) | Duration associated with the edited pay code (in money) | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DURATION_MONEY | Number | No |
Schedule Audit Edit Date | Date on which the schedule entity was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDIT_DATE | Date | No |
Schedule Audit Edit Time | Time at which the schedule entity was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDIT_TIME | DateTime | No |
Schedule Audit Edit Type | Type of schedule edit that was performed | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDIT_TYPE | String | No |
Schedule Audit Edited Username | User name of the person who made the edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDITED_USERNAME | String | No |
Schedule Audit Edited User Full Name | Full name of the person who made the edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDITED_USER_FULLNAME | String | No |
Schedule Audit Edited User Employee ID | Employee ID of the person who made the edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDITED_USER_PERSONNUMBER | String | No |
Schedule Audit Entity Date | Start date of the schedule entity that was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_ENTITY_DATE | Date | No |
Schedule Audit Entity Type | Type of the schedule entity that was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_ENTITY_TYPE | String | No |
Schedule Audit ID | System identifier of a schedule audit entity | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_ID | String | No |
Schedule Audit Label | Label that was added to the schedule entity when it was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LABEL | String | No |
Schedule Audit Labor Category | Labor category that was added to schedule entity when it was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LABOR_CATEGORY | String | No |
Schedule Audit Location | Location that was added to the schedule entity when it was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LOCATION | String | No |
Schedule Audit Locked | Switch that indicates whether the shedule entity was locked at the time when the edit was made | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LOCKED | Boolean | No |
Schedule Audit Paycode | Name of the pay code that was used in the edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_PAYCODE | String | No |
Schedule Audit Revision ID | System identifier of a schedule audit edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_REVISION_ID | String | No |
Schedule Audit Shift End Time | End time of the shift that was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_END | DateTime | No |
Schedule Audit Shift Segment End Time | End time of the shift segment that was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_SEGMENT_END | DateTime | No |
Schedule Audit Shift Segment Start Time | Start time of the shift segment that was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_SEGMENT_START | DateTime | No |
Schedule Audit Shift Start Time | Start time of the shift that was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_START | DateTime | No |
Schedule Audit Tag | Name of the schedule tag that was used in the edit | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_TAG | String | No |
Schedule Audit Work Rule | Work rule that was added to schedule entity when it was edited | SCHEDULE_AUDIT_WORK_RULE | String | No |