Audit Schedule

The Audit Schedule entity provides data that enables you to create Dataviews and reports that can be used to examine all schedule audits for a location or a group of employees. It also provides information that can help determine how many schedule edits managers are making, which employee schedules are being edited, and which managers are making those edits.

Data Granularity

Provides one row per employee per changed schedule entity (such as shift, shift segment, schedule tag, and paycode).

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Schedule Audit Comment Comment that was added to the schedule entity during the edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_COMMENT String No
Schedule Audit Cost Center Cost center that was added to schedule entity when it was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_COST_CENTER String No
Schedule Audit Deleted Switch that indicates whether the schedule entity was deleted SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DELETED Boolean No
Schedule Audit Duration (Days) Duration associated with the edited pay code (in days) SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DURATION_DAYS Number No
Schedule Audit Duration (Hours) Duration associated with the edited pay code (in hours) SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DURATION_HOURS Number No
Schedule Audit Duration (Money) Duration associated with the edited pay code (in money) SCHEDULE_AUDIT_DURATION_MONEY Number No
Schedule Audit Edit Date Date on which the schedule entity was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDIT_DATE Date No
Schedule Audit Edit Time Time at which the schedule entity was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDIT_TIME DateTime No
Schedule Audit Edit Type Type of schedule edit that was performed SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDIT_TYPE String No
Schedule Audit Edited Username User name of the person who made the edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDITED_USERNAME String No
Schedule Audit Edited User Full Name Full name of the person who made the edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDITED_USER_FULLNAME String No
Schedule Audit Edited User Employee ID Employee ID of the person who made the edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_EDITED_USER_PERSONNUMBER String No
Schedule Audit Entity Date Start date of the schedule entity that was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_ENTITY_DATE Date No
Schedule Audit Entity Type Type of the schedule entity that was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_ENTITY_TYPE String No
Schedule Audit ID System identifier of a schedule audit entity SCHEDULE_AUDIT_ID String No
Schedule Audit Label Label that was added to the schedule entity when it was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LABEL String No
Schedule Audit Labor Category Labor category that was added to schedule entity when it was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LABOR_CATEGORY String No
Schedule Audit Location Location that was added to the schedule entity when it was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LOCATION String No
Schedule Audit Locked Switch that indicates whether the shedule entity was locked at the time when the edit was made SCHEDULE_AUDIT_LOCKED Boolean No
Schedule Audit Paycode Name of the pay code that was used in the edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_PAYCODE String No
Schedule Audit Revision ID System identifier of a schedule audit edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_REVISION_ID String No
Schedule Audit Shift End Time End time of the shift that was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_END DateTime No
Schedule Audit Shift Segment End Time End time of the shift segment that was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_SEGMENT_END DateTime No
Schedule Audit Shift Segment Start Time Start time of the shift segment that was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_SEGMENT_START DateTime No
Schedule Audit Shift Start Time Start time of the shift that was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_SHIFT_START DateTime No
Schedule Audit Tag Name of the schedule tag that was used in the edit SCHEDULE_AUDIT_TAG String No
Schedule Audit Work Rule Work rule that was added to schedule entity when it was edited SCHEDULE_AUDIT_WORK_RULE String No

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


Core Entity Relationship
Employee One to Many
Organizational Job One to One
Paycode One to One
Labor Category One to One