Workload - Budgeted Count
The Workload - Budgeted Count entity provides the data for the budgeted employee count that is created in Workload Planner for a location. Its data columns can only be used with a Business Structure Dataview where the Location Type of the Dataview must be configured to “Job,” inasmuch as the data is provided only at the Job level and cannot be summarized at higher levels of the Business Structure.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per job per date per span (schedule zone or shift set).
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Budgeted Count | SCH_WORKLOAD_BUDGETED_COUNT | Number | No | |
Budgeted Count Date | SCH_WORKLOAD_BUDGETED_COUNT_DATE | Date | No | |
Budgeted Count Job | SCH_WORKLOAD_BUDGETED_COUNT_JOB | String | No | |
Budgeted Count Job Group Name * | The job group name for which the budgeted count has been returned | SCH_WORKLOAD_BUDGETED_COUNT_JOB_GROUP_NAME | String | No |
Budgeted Count Span Name | The span name for which the budgeted count has been returned | SCH_WORKLOAD_BUDGETED_COUNT_SPAN_NAME | String | No |
Budgeted Count Span Type | The span type for which the budgeted count has been returned | SCH_WORKLOAD_BUDGETED_COUNT_SPAN_TYPE | String | No |
Related Entities
Additional Info
- Workload budget count data cannot be analyzed with volume entities because volume data is not present at the Job level and workload budget count data is not present at levels of an org that are higher than Job.
- The columns marked with an asterisk return data to reports only when selected using a parameter in BIRT Designer. When selected for a Dataview, it does not return data
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |