Paycode Edit
The Paycode Edit entity provides transactional data related to actual paycode edits that were made to an employee's timecard.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per employee per actual paycode edit transaction.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
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Apply Date | | TK_PCE_APPLY_DATE | Date | No |
Comments Indicator | | TK_PCE_COMMENTS_AVAILABLE | Boolean | No |
Duration (Days) | | TK_PCE_DURATION_IN_DAYS | Number | No |
Duration (Hours) | | TK_PCE_DURATION_IN_HOURS | Number | No |
Editable Indicator | | TK_PCE_EDITABLE | Boolean | No |
Money Amount | | TK_PCE_MONEY_AMOUNT | Number | No |
Schedule Amount Type | | TK_PCE_SCHEDULE_AMOUNT_TYPE | String | No |
Start Date Time | | TK_PCE_START_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
System Generated Indicator | | TK_PCE_SYSTEM_GENERATED | Boolean | No |
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
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