Cancelled Meal Breaks Rate | Ratio of canceled meals to worked shift count | DS_AUD_CANCELED_MEALS_TO_WORKED_SHIFT_RATIO | Number | No |
Final Punch Time Edits Rate | Ratio of final punch time edited to final punch count | DS_AUD_FINAL_PUNCH_TIME_EDITED_TO_FINAL_PUNCH_RATIO | Number | No |
High Risk Location Group Number | Unique pattern identifier. Note that -1 indicates an outlier | DS_AUD_AUDITOR_ID | Number | No |
Extra Time to Lost Time Exceptions Rate | Ratio of extra time exceptions to extra time and lost time exceptions | DS_AUD_EXTRA_TIME_EXCEPTION_RATIO | Number | No |
Less than Scheduled Rate | Ratio of lost time exceptions to worked shift count | DS_AUD_LOST_TIME_EXCEPTION_TO_WORKED_SHIFT_RATIO | Number | No |
Month Name | Name of the calendar month | DS_AUD_RATE_MONTH_NAME | String | No |
Month Number | Number of the calendar month | DS_AUD_MONTH | Number | No |
Month Year Name | Name of the calendar month and calendar year | DS_AUD_RATE_MONTH_YEAR_NAME | String | No |
More than Scheduled Rate | Ratio of extra time exceptions to worked shift count | DS_AUD_EXTRA_TIME_EXCEPTION_TO_WORKED_SHIFT_RATIO | Number | No |
Punch Deletions Rate | Ratio of deleted punches to final punch count | DS_AUD_DELETED_PUNCHES_TO_FINAL_PUNCH_RATIO | Number | No |
Punch Time Edits Rate | Ratio of punch time edits to final punch count | DS_AUD_PUNCH_TIME_EDITS_TO_FINAL_PUNCH_RATIO | Number | No |
Rate Change % (Previous Month to Current Month) | Change in Rate as % from previous month to current month | DS_AUD_RATE_CHANGE_PERCENT | Number | No |
Retro Schedule Edits Rate | Ratio of retro schedule changes to final shift count | DS_AUD_RETRO_SCHED_CHANGES_TO_FINAL_SHIFT_RATIO | Number | No |
Retro Shift Deletions Rate | Ratio of retro deleted shifts to final shift count | DS_AUD_RETRO_DELETED_SHIFTS_TO_FINAL_SHIFT_RATIO | Number | No |
Retro Shift Edits Rate | Ratio of retro shift edits to final shift count | DS_AUD_RETRO_SHIFT_EDITS_TO_FINAL_SHIFT_RATIO | Number | No |
Risk Indicator | Pattern Indicator for the rate data column configured to be used in pattern identification (-1 for low, 0 for none, 1 for high) | DS_AUD_AUDITOR_PATTERN_INDICATOR | Number | No |
Risk Name | Description of the pattern found. Represents a list of pattern names in square brackets based on the ratio analyzed. Each pattern is prefixed with +/- to indicate a high/low pattern. Can be null when no pattern is found. E.g. [+extra_time_exception_to_worked_shift_ratio,-punch_time_edits_to_final_punch_ratio] indicates a high extra time exceptions to worked shift ratio combined with a low punch time edits to final punch ratio | DS_AUD_AUDITOR_PATTERN | String | No |
Small Punch Time Edits Rate | Ratio of punch time edited less or equal than 15 mins to final punch count | DS_AUD_FINAL_PTIME_EDTD_LE_15M_TO_FINAL_PUNCH_RATIO | Number | No |
Update Date and Time | Date and Time of freshness of Auditor data | DS_AUD_AUDITOR_DATA_UPDATE_DATETIME | DateTime | No |
Year | Calendar Year | DS_AUD_YEAR | Number | No |