Approvals Reviewers
The Approvals Reviewers entity provides the information related to each employee's overtime approval level, settings, and assigned approvers.
Data Granularity
The data can return several rows per employee. There is a limit of 5 approval levels.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
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Overtime Approval Level | The employee's assigned overtime approval level. | APPRV_REVIEW_OVERTIME_APPROVAL_LEVEL | Number | No |
Overtime Approve Within (Days) | The employee's assigned overtime approve within setting. | APPRV_REVIEW_OVERTIME_APPROVE_DAYS | Number | No |
Overtime Approver | The employee's assigned overtime approver. | APPRV_REVIEW_OVERTIME_APPROVER | String | No |
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
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