Swap Request

The Swap Request entity provides data that enables you to create Dataviews and reports that can be used to review swap requests that are made by employees. This data allows you to determine the number of requests, which employees are making the requests, and the status of the requests. Given this information managers can better ensure that swap requests are being approved or rejected in a timely manner, learn which employees are or are not regularly requesting other employees to swap their shifts, and see whether swap requests are being accepted or rejected by other employees. Use the columns in the Employee Details entity along with those in the Swap Request entity to view data columns associated with the employee that is related to the swap request. Note that the selected time frame is used to bring up requests based on either of the shift dates included in the request, and not the creation date of the request.

Data Granularity

Provides one row per employee per swap shift request item segment and recipient.

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Swap Request Item Segment End Date End date and time of the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_SEGMENT_END_DATETIME DateTime Yes
Swap Request Actors Semicolon-separated list of the full names of the users who have approved or rejected the swap request. Approvers appear in order of the approval's apply dates and times from oldest to newest SWAP_REQUEST_ACTORS String No
Swap Request Creation Date Date and time when the user created the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_CREATE_DATETIME DateTime No
Swap Request Creator Full Name Full name of the user who created the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_CREATOR_NAME String No
Swap Request Employee Comment & Notes Semicolon-separated list of comments and associated notes (in parentheses) that the employee has applied to the swap request. Comments appear in order of their apply dates and times from oldest to newest SWAP_REQUEST_EMP_COMMENTS_NOTES String No
Swap Request ID System identifier of the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_ID String No
Swap Request Item Duration Span in hours of the shift in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_DURATION Number Yes
Swap Request Item End Date End date and time of the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_END_DATETIME DateTime Yes
Swap Request Item Recipient Employee ID Employee ID of the employee who received the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_RECIPIENT_EMPLOYEEID String No
Swap Request Item Recipient Full Name Full name of the employee who received the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_RECIPIENT_NAME String No
Swap Request Item Segment Cost Center Cost center that is associated with the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_COST_CENTER String Yes
Swap Request Item Segment Job Job that is associated with the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_JOB String Yes
Swap Request Item Segment Labor Category Labor category that is associated with the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_LABOR CATEGORY String Yes
Swap Request Item Segment Location Location that is associated with the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_LOCATION String No
Swap Request Item Segment Start Date Start date and time of the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_SEGMENT_START_DATETIME DateTime Yes
Swap Request Item Segment Work Rule Work rule that is associated with the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_WORKRULE String Yes
Swap Request Item Start Date Start date and time of the shift segment in the swap. This field has been parameterized to return information about the offered or requested shift as determined by the user who submitted the request SWAP_REQUEST_ITEM_START_DATETIME DateTime No
Swap Request Manager Comment & Notes Semicolon-separated list of comments and associated notes (in parentheses) that the manager has applied to the swap request. Comments appear in order of their apply dates and times from oldest to newest SWAP_REQUEST_MGR_COMMENTS_NOTES String No
Swap Request Status Current status of the swap request at the time the Dataview or report data object is executed SWAP_REQUEST_STATUS String No
Swap Request Status Code Code of the current status of the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_STATUS_CODE String No
Swap Request Subtype Description Description of the request subtype that is associated with the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_SUBTYPE_DESC String No
Swap Request Subtype Name Name of the request subtype that is associated with the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_SUBTYPE_NAME String No
Swap Request Subtype Symbol Symbol of the request subtype that is associated with the swap request SWAP_REQUEST_SUBTYPE_SYMBOL String No

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


Core Entity Relationship
Employee One to Many
Organizational Job One to One