Worked Span

The Worked Span entity provides the start and end times of the actual worked spans related to the employee's worked shifts. A worked shift may be broken into multiple spans depending on breaks and the crossing of the day divide. The Worked Span entity provides the data columns necessary to see the in and out times related to each span. To view the Actual Totals (hours, wages, or days) related to a worked span, along with the actual in-punch and out-punch times, use the Timecard Transactions entity.

Data Granularity

Supported Dataview/RDO Type

Employee Business Structure Employee - Time Series Business Structure - Time Series Work Unit Work Unit - Time Series


Worked Span Assigned Work Rule TK_WSS_WKS_PRYMARY_WORKRULE String No
Worked Span End Date Time TK_WSS_WKS_ENDDATETIME DateTime No
Worked Span ID TK_WSS_WKS_ID String No
Worked Span Job Name TK_WSS_WKS_ORGJOB String No
Worked Span Job Transfer Indicator TK_WSS_WKS_IS_XFR_ORGJOB Boolean No
Worked Span Projected Indicator TK_WSS_WKS_IS_PROJECTED Boolean No
Worked Span Start Date Time TK_WSS_WKS_STARTDATETIME DateTime No
Worked Span Work Rule TK_WSS_WKS_WORKRULE String No
Worked Span Work Rule Transfer Indicator TK_WSS_WKS_IS_XFR_WORKRULE Boolean No

Core Entity

EmployeeOrganizationDayOrganizational JobPaycodeLabor CategoryActivityWork UnitWork GroupProcedure Code


One-to-One One-to-Many