Accrual Transactions
The Accrual Transactions entity provides data for all accrual transactions by employee, accrual code, and accrual transaction type (such as takings, grants, and probation period start).
Data Granularity
Provides one row per Employee, Accrual Code, and Accrual Transaction Type for the defined time period.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Accrual Amount (Days) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_DAYS_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Accrual Amount (Hours) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_HOURS_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Accrual Amount (Money) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_MONEY_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Accrual Data Source | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_DATA_SOURCE | String | No | |
Accrual Transaction Type | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_TYPE | String | No | |
Accrual Transaction Type (Display Name) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_TYPE_DISP_NAME | String | No | |
Disqualified | A Boolean indicator of whether or not the accrual transaction is disqualified. | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_IS_DISQUALIFIED | Boolean | No |
Edited By | The name of the user who edited the accrual transaction. | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_EDITED_BY | String | No |
Edited Date | The date that the accrual transaction was edited. | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_EDIT_DATE | Date | No |
Effective Date | The effective date of the accrual transaction. | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Limit Amount (Days) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_LIMIT_DAYS_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Limit Amount (Hours) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_LIMIT_HOURS_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Limit Amount (Money) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_LIMIT_MONEY_AMT | Number | No | |
On Probation | A Boolean indicator of whether or not the accrual transaction is on probation. | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_IS_ON_PROBATION | Boolean | No |
Probation Amount (Days) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_PROBATION_DAYS_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Probation Amount (Hours) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_PROBATION_HOURS_AMOUNT | Number | No | |
Probation Amount (Money) | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_PROBATION_MONEY_AMT | Number | No | |
Suspended | A Boolean indicator of whether or not the accrual transaction is suspended. | TK_ACCRUAL_TRANSACTION_IS_SUSPENDED | Boolean | No |
Columns pertaining to the loaded timeframe of the Dataview or report
Starting Balance Date | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_DATE | Date | No | |
Starting Probationary Balance (Days) | The starting probationary balance for a day-based accrual. | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_PROB_DAYS_AMT | Number | Yes |
Starting Probationary Balance (Hours) | The starting probationary balance for an hour-based accrual. | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_PROB_HOURS_AMT | Number | Yes |
Starting Probationary Balance (Money) | The starting probationary balance for a money-based accrual. | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_PROB_MONEY_AMT | Number | Yes |
Starting Vested Balance (Days) | The starting vested balance for a day-based accrual. | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_VSTD_DAYS_AMT | Number | Yes |
Starting Vested Balance (Hours) | The starting vested balance for an hour-based accrual. | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_VSTD_HOURS_AMT | Number | Yes |
Starting Vested Balance (Money) | The starting vested balance for a money-based accrual. | TK_AS_PRD_START_BLNC_VSTD_MONEY_AMT | Number | Yes |
Related Entities
Additional Info
- The Accrual Code entity is not used with the Accrual Transactions entity. The Accrual Transactions entity provides the Accrual Code data columns necessary for transaction-level reporting.
- When building a Dataview using the Accrual Transactions entity, be sure to include the Employee Name, Accrual Code Name, Accrual Transaction Type, and Effective Date data columns to ensure that the transactional data that is returned includes all of the information that is needed to make it useable.
- Do not use the Accrual Transactions entity with the Accrual Daily Balances and Accrual Reporting Period Balances entities. These entities are not related because they return data at different granularities. The combination of these entities is only possible if the column relationship rules are disabled. If they are used together, rows are returned that provide Accrual Transactions data plus separate rows that provide accrual balance data, with no clear relationship other than the associated Accrual Code.
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |