The On Premise entity returns on-premises information for employees. It is used in Dataviews and Report Data Objects to allow managers to determine whether a particular hourly employee has shown up for work today. It is typically used with the Employee Details entity, along with the Exception Counter and Exceptions entities.
Data Granularity
Provides one row per employee.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Business Structure
Employee - Time Series
Business Structure - Time Series
Work Unit
Work Unit - Time Series
On Premises
On Premises flag. True if the employee is currently on premises
On Premises and Pay from Schedule
On Premises and Pay from Schedule flag. True if the employee is on premises and was paid from schedule
The columns provided in the On Premise entity always reflect the employee's status for the current day regardless of the time frame that is selected in the Dataview or report.
Employees are considered on premise if they: performed an in-punch today with the current time, performed punches over a time span that includes breaks, are assigned as pay from schedule and are within that shift, are assigned as pay from schedule and have performed an in-punch