The Analytics entity provides the metrics and KPIs that are defined in the product and those metrics and KPIs that are custom-defined. The metrics and KPIs provide a means to measure labor management performance in areas like overtime, absenteeism, and productivity. Use the data columns in Employee Dataviews and reports to measure and compare individual employee performance or in Business Structure Dataviews and reports to measure and compare organizational entities, such as job, department, region, or location.
Data Granularity
Employee: Provides one row per employee for the defined time period.
Business Structure: Provides one row per selected Location Type for the defined time period.
Supported Dataview/RDO Type
Employee | Business Structure | Employee - Time Series | Business Structure - Time Series | Work Unit | Work Unit - Time Series |
Absenteeism Costs | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_AMT | Number | No | |
Absenteeism Hours | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_HRS | Number | No | |
Absenteeism Hours as a % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_ABS_PER_ACTUAL | Number | No | |
Absenteeism Hours as a % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_ABS_PER_PROD | Number | No | |
Absenteeism Hours as a % of Scheduled Hours | KPI_KPI_ABS_PER_SCHED | Number | No | |
Actual Costs | KPI_METRIC_ACTUAL_AMT | Number | No | |
Actual Costs as a % of Scheduled Costs | KPI_KPI_ACT_PR_SCHD_AMT | Number | No | |
Actual Days | KPI_METRIC_TCLD_ACT_DAY | Number | No | |
Actual Hours | KPI_METRIC_ACTUAL_HRS | Number | No | |
Actual Hours as a % of Scheduled Hours | KPI_KPI_ACT_PR_SCHD_HRS | Number | No | |
Actual Hours | KPI_METRIC_TCLD_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Actual Labor Costs (Forecasting) | KPI_METRIC_ACT_LBR_AMT | Number | No | |
Actual Labor Hours (Forecasting) | KPI_METRIC_ACT_LBR_HRS | Number | No | |
Average Actual Labor Cost per Actual Hours (Forecasting) | KPI_KPI_ACT_LBR_AMT_PR_LBR_HRS | Number | No | |
Average Scheduled Labor Cost per Scheduled Hours (Forecasting) | KPI_KPI_SCHD_LBR_AMT_PR_LBR_HRS | Number | No | |
Bonus Applied Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_BONUS_EXCP | Number | No | |
Break Out of Sequence Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_BRK_SEQ_EXCP | Number | No | |
Budget Labor Cost | Budget Costs imported into the system | KPI_METRIC_BDGT_LBR_COST | Number | No |
Budget Labor Hours | Budget Hours imported into the system | KPI_METRIC_BDGT_LBR_HRS | Number | No |
Callback Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Callback. | KPI_METRIC_CALLBACK_AMT | Number | No |
Callback Costs as a % of Productive Costs | Callback Costs as a % of Productive Costs | KPI_KPI_CALLBACK_AMT_PER_PROD_AMT | Number | No |
Callback Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Callback. | KPI_METRIC_CALLBACK_HRS | Number | No |
Callback Hours as a % of On Call Hours | Callback Hours as a % of On Call Hours | KPI_KPI_CALLBACK_HRS_PER_ONCALL_HRS | Number | No |
Callback Hours as a % of Productive Hours | Callback Hours as a % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_CALLBACK_HRS_PER_PROD_HRS | Number | No |
Cancelled Meal Deduction Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_CAN_MEAL_EXCP | Number | No | |
Core Hours Violation Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_COR_HRS_UEXCP | Number | No | |
Daily Agency Hours as a % of Paid Hours | Daily Agency Hours as a % of Paid Hours | KPI_KPI_DAILY_AGNCY_HRS_PER_PAID_HRS | Number | No |
Daily Paid Agency Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_AGNCY_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Agency Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_AGNCY_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Agency Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_AGNCY_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Float In Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_FLT_IN_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Float In Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_FLT_IN_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Float Out Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_FLT_OUT_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Float Out Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_FLT_OUT_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Full Time Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_FT_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Full Time Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_FT_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Internal Agency Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_INT_AGNCY_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Internal Agency Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_INT_AGNCY_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Part Time Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_PT_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Part Time Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_PT_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Per Diem Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_PDIEM_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Per Diem Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_PDIEM_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Pool Amount | KPI_METRIC_PAID_POOL_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Paid Pool Hours | KPI_METRIC_PAID_POOL_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Agency Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_AGNCY_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Agency Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_AGNCY_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Float In Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_FLT_IN_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Float In Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_FLT_IN_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Float Out Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_FLT_OUT_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Float Out Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_FLT_OUT_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Full Time Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_FT_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Full Time Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_FT_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Internal Agency Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_INT_AGNCY_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Internal Agency Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_INT_AGNCY_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Part Time Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_PT_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Part Time Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_PT_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Per Diem Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_PDIEM_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Per Diem Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_PDIEM_HRS | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Pool Amount | KPI_METRIC_PROD_POOL_AMT | Number | No | |
Daily Productive Pool Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_POOL_HRS | Number | No | |
Data Update Date Time | KPI_FRESHNESS_LASTUPDATEDTS | DateTime | No | |
Early In Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_ERLY_IN_EXCP | Number | No | |
Early In Exceptions as a % of All Exceptions | KPI_KPI_ERLY_IN_PER | Number | No | |
Early Out Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_ERLY_OUT_UEXCP | Number | No | |
Early Out Exceptions as a % of All Exceptions | KPI_KPI_ERLY_OUT_PER | Number | No | |
Earned Hours as a % of Actual Labor Hours | KPI_KPI_EARNED_HRS_PER_ACT_LBR_HRS | Number | No | |
Earned Hours | How many labor hours should have been scheduled based on the actual volumes. | KPI_METRIC_EARNED_HRS | Number | No |
Education Orientation Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Education Orientation. | KPI_METRIC_EDUC_ORIENT_AMT | Number | No |
Education Orientation Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Education Orientation. | KPI_METRIC_EDUC_ORIENT_HRS | Number | No |
Employee Approval Count | KPI_METRIC_EMP_APRV_CNT | Number | No | |
Exception Hours | KPI_METRIC_EXCP_HRS | Number | No | |
Excused Absence Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_TOT_EXC_ABS | Number | No | |
Excused Absenteeism Costs | KPI_METRIC_EXABSENT_AMT | Number | No | |
Excused Absenteeism Hours | KPI_METRIC_EXABSENT_HRS | Number | No | |
Excused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_EXABS_PER_ACT | Number | No | |
Excused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_EXABS_PER_PROD | Number | No | |
Excused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Scheduled Hours | KPI_KPI_EXABS_PER_SCH | Number | No | |
Excused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Total Absenteeism Hours | KPI_KPI_EXABS_PER_ABS | Number | No | |
Extended Absenteeism Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Extended Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_EXTND_AMT | Number | No |
Extended Absenteeism Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Extended Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_EXTND | Number | No |
Extended Absenteeism Hours as % of Paid Hours | Extended Absenteeism Hours as % of Paid Hours | KPI_KPI_ABSENT_EXTND_HRS_PER_PAID_HRS | Number | No |
Extended Absenteeism Hours as % of Total Absenteeism Hours | Extended Absenteeism Hours as % of Total Absenteeism Hours | KPI_KPI_ABSENT_EXTND_HRS_PER_ABS_HRS | Number | No |
Extra and Lost time | Extra and Lost time | KPI_KPI_EXT_LOST_HRS | Number | No |
Forecasted Hours | Forecasted Hours generated or optionally edited by a user. | KPI_METRIC_FCST_HRS | Number | No |
Generated Forecasted Hours | Generated Forecasted Hours calculated by the engine. | KPI_METRIC_FCST_GEN_HRS | Number | No |
Holiday Scheduled Violation Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_HOL_SCD_EXCP | Number | No | |
Hours Over Exception | KPI_METRIC_HRS_OVR_EXCP | Number | No | |
Invalid Named Duration Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_INV_DUR_EXCP | Number | No | |
Late In Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_LAT_IN_UEXCP | Number | No | |
Late In Exceptions as a % of All Exceptions | KPI_KPI_LAT_IN_PER | Number | No | |
Late Out Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_LAT_OUT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Late Out Exceptions as a % of All Exceptions | KPI_KPI_LAT_OUT_PER | Number | No | |
Long Break Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_LNG_BRK_UEXCP | Number | No | |
Long Shift Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_LNG_SHFT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Long Total Break Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_LNG_TBRK_EXCP | Number | No | |
Low Census Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Low Census. | KPI_METRIC_LOW_CENSUS_AMT | Number | No |
Low Census Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Low Census. | KPI_METRIC_LOW_CENSUS_HRS | Number | No |
Manager Approval Count | KPI_METRIC_MGR_APRV_CNT | Number | No | |
Minimum Days Active Violation Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_MIN_ACT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Minimum Days Employed Violation Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_MIN_EMP_EXCP | Number | No | |
Missed In Punch Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_MIS_PNCIN_EXCP | Number | No | |
Missed Out Punch Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_MIS_PNCOUT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Missed Punch Exceptions as a % of All Exceptions | KPI_KPI_MIS_PNCH_PER | Number | No | |
Non-Productive Costs | KPI_METRIC_NP_AMT | Number | No | |
Non-Productive Costs as % of Total Labor Costs | KPI_KPI_NP_PER_ACT_AMT | Number | No | |
Non-Productive Hours | KPI_METRIC_NP_HRS | Number | No | |
Non-Productive Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_NP_PER_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Non-Productive Hours as % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_NP_PER_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
On Call Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as On Call. | KPI_METRIC_ONCALL_AMT | Number | No |
On Call Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as On Call. | KPI_METRIC_ONCALL_HRS | Number | No |
OnCall and Callback Costs | OnCall and Callback Costs | KPI_KPI_ONCALL_AMT_CALLBACK_AMT | Number | No |
OnCall and Callback Hours | OnCall and Callback Hours | KPI_KPI_ONCALL_HRS_CALLBACK_HRS | Number | No |
Overtime Costs | KPI_METRIC_OT_AMT | Number | No | |
Overtime Costs as % of Paid Costs | Overtime Costs as % of Paid Costs | KPI_KPI_OT_AMT_PER_PAID_AMT | Number | No |
Overtime Costs as % of Total Labor Costs | KPI_KPI_OT_PER_ACT_AMT | Number | No | |
Overtime Costs as a % of Overtime Hours | Average Overtime Rate | KPI_KPI_OT_AMT_PER_OT_HRS | Number | No |
Overtime Hours | KPI_METRIC_OT_HRS | Number | No | |
Overtime Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_OT_PER_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Overtime Hours as % of Paid Hours | Overtime Hours as % of Paid Hours | KPI_KPI_OT_HRS_PER_PAID_HRS | Number | No |
Overtime Hours as % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_OT_PER_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
Planned Absenteeism Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Planned Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_PLND_AMT | Number | No |
Planned Absenteeism Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Planned Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_PLND | Number | No |
Premium Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Premium. | KPI_METRIC_PREM_AMT | Number | No |
Premium Costs as a % of Paid Costs | Premium costs as a % of paid costs | KPI_KPI_PREM_AMT_PER_PAID_AMT | Number | No |
Premium Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Premium. | KPI_METRIC_PREM_HRS | Number | No |
Premium Hours as % of Paid Hours | Premium Hours as % of Paid Hours | KPI_KPI_PREM_HRS_PER_PAID_HRS | Number | No |
Productive Costs | KPI_METRIC_PROD_AMT | Number | No | |
Productive Costs as % of Total Labor Costs | KPI_KPI_PROD_PER_ACT_AMT | Number | No | |
Productive Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
Productive Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_PROD_PER_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Productive Hours as % of Scheduled Productive Hours | Productive Hours as % of Scheduled Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_PROD_HRS_PER_SCHD_PROD_HRS | Number | No |
Projected Non-Productive Hours | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_NP_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Non-Productive Labor Costs | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_NP_AMT | Number | No | |
Projected Overtime Hours | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_OT_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Overtime Labor Costs | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_OT_AMT | Number | No | |
Projected Productive Hours | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Regular Costs | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_REG_AMT | Number | No | |
Projected Regular Hours | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_REG_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Training Costs | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_TRN_AMT | Number | No | |
Projected Training Hours | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_TRN_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Days | KPI_METRIC_TCLD_PROJ_DAY | Number | No | |
Projected Hours | KPI_METRIC_PROJ_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Hours | KPI_METRIC_TCLD_PROJ_HRS | Number | No | |
Projected Labor Costs | KPI_METRIC_PROJ_AMT | Number | No | |
Projected Overtime Hours as a % of Projected Productive Hours | The percentage of Projected Overtime hours as a ratio of Projected Productive Hours. | KPI_KPI_PRJ_OT_PER_PRJ_PROD | Number | No |
Projected Productive Labor Costs | KPI_METRIC_PRJ_PROD_AMT | Number | No | |
Regular Costs | KPI_METRIC_REG_AMT | Number | No | |
Regular Costs as % of Total Labor Costs | KPI_KPI_REG_PER_ACT_AMT | Number | No | |
Regular Hours | KPI_METRIC_REG_HRS | Number | No | |
Regular Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_REG_PER_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Regular Hours as % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_REG_PER_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
Reviewed Exceptions | KPI_METRIC_REV_EXCP | Number | No | |
Rounding Rule Variance | KPI_KPI_RND_RUL_VAR | Number | No | |
Schedule Overtime Costs | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_OT_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Costs | KPI_METRIC_SCHED_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Days | KPI_METRIC_TCLD_SCHD_DAY | Number | No | |
Scheduled Hours | KPI_METRIC_SCHED_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Hours | KPI_METRIC_TCLD_SCHD_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Labor Costs (Forecasting) | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_LBR_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Labor Hours (Forecasting) | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_LBR_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Non-Productive Costs | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_NP_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Non-Productive Hours | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_NP_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Overtime Hours | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_OT_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Productive Costs | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_PROD_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Productive Hours | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Regular Costs | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_REG_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Regular Hours | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_REG_HRS | Number | No | |
Scheduled Training Costs | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_TRN_AMT | Number | No | |
Scheduled Training Hours | KPI_METRIC_SCHD_TRN_HRS | Number | No | |
Short Break Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_SHT_BRK_EXCP | Number | No | |
Short Shift Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_SHT_SHFT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Short Total Break Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_SHT_TBRK_EXCP | Number | No | |
Sitter Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Sitter. | KPI_METRIC_SITT_AMT | Number | No |
Sitter Costs per Sitter Hours | Sitter Costs per Sitter Hours | KPI_KPI_SITT_AMT_PER_SITT_HRS | Number | No |
Sitter Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Sitter. | KPI_METRIC_SITT_HRS | Number | No |
Sitter Hours as a % of Actual Hours | Sitter Hours as a % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_SITT_HRS_PER_ACTUAL_HRS | Number | No |
System Adjusted Hours | System Adjusted Hours calculated by Labor Constraint engine. | KPI_METRIC_FCST_ADJ_HRS | Number | No |
Time Paid Not Worked (In) Hours | KPI_METRIC_TPNW_IN_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Paid Not Worked (In) Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TPNWIN_PER_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Paid Not Worked (Out) Hours | KPI_METRIC_TPNW_OUT_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Paid Not Worked (Out) Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TPNWOUT_PER_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Paid Not Worked Hours | KPI_KPI_TPNW_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Paid Not Worked Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TPNW_PER_AHRS | Number | No | |
Time Paid Not Worked Hours as % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_TPNW_PER_PHRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid (In) Hours | KPI_METRIC_TWNP_IN_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid (In) Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TWNPIN_PER_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid (Out) Hours | KPI_METRIC_TWNP_OUT_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid (Out) Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TWNPOUT_PER_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid Hours | KPI_KPI_TWNP_HRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TWNP_PER_AHRS | Number | No | |
Time Worked Not Paid Hours as % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_TWNP_PER_PHRS | Number | No | |
Total Actual Days | KPI_METRIC_TCL_ACT_DAY | Number | No | |
Total Actual Hours | KPI_METRIC_TCL_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Total Actual Wages | KPI_METRIC_TCL_ACT_AMT | Number | No | |
Total Early In Exception Count | KPI_KPI_TOT_ERLIN_EXCP | Number | No | |
Total Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_TOT_UNR_EXCPS | Number | No | |
Total Late Out Exception Count | KPI_KPI_TOT_LATOT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Total Missed Punch Exception Count | KPI_KPI_TOT_MP_EXCP | Number | No | |
Total Projected Days | KPI_METRIC_TCL_PROJ_DAY | Number | No | |
Total Projected Hours | KPI_METRIC_TCL_PROJ_HRS | Number | No | |
Total Projected Wages | KPI_METRIC_TCL_PROJ_AMT | Number | No | |
Total Scheduled Days | KPI_METRIC_TCL_SCHD_DAY | Number | No | |
Total Scheduled Hours | KPI_METRIC_TCL_SCHD_HRS | Number | No | |
Total Scheduled Wages | KPI_METRIC_TCL_SCHD_AMT | Number | No | |
Training Costs | KPI_METRIC_TRN_AMT | Number | No | |
Training Costs as % of Total Labor Costs | KPI_KPI_TRN_PER_ACT_AMT | Number | No | |
Training Hours | KPI_METRIC_TRN_HRS | Number | No | |
Training Hours as % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_TRN_PER_ACT_HRS | Number | No | |
Training Hours as % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_TRN_PER_PROD_HRS | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absence Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_TOT_UNR_ABS | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absenteeism Costs | KPI_METRIC_UNABSENT_AMT | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absenteeism Hours | KPI_METRIC_UNABSENT_HRS | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Actual Hours | KPI_KPI_UNABS_PER_ACT | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Productive Hours | KPI_KPI_UNABS_PER_PROD | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Scheduled Hours | KPI_KPI_UNABS_PER_SCH | Number | No | |
Unexcused Absenteeism Hours as a % of Total Absenteeism Hours | KPI_KPI_UNABS_PER_ABS | Number | No | |
Unplanned Absenteeism Costs | The actual labor costs based on the pay codes identified as Unplanned Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_UNPLND_AMT | Number | No |
Unplanned Absenteeism Costs as % of Paid Costs | Unplanned Absenteeism Costs as % of Paid Costs | KPI_KPI_ABSENT_UNPLND_AMT_PER_PAID_AMT | Number | No |
Unplanned Absenteeism Hours | The total number of actual hours based on the pay codes identified as Unplanned Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_ABSENT_UNPLND | Number | No |
Unplanned Absenteeism Hours as % of Absenteeism Hours | The percentage of Absenteeism Hours that were not planned, such as absences related to illness. | KPI_KPI_UNPLN_ABS_PER_ABS_HRS | Number | No |
Unplanned Absenteeism Hours as % of Paid Hours | Unplanned Absenteeism Hours as % of Paid Hours | KPI_KPI_ABSENT_UNPLND_HRS_PER_PAID_HRS | Number | No |
Unplanned Absenteeism Hours as % of Total Absenteeism Hours | Unplanned Absenteeism Hours as % of Total Absenteeism Hours | KPI_KPI_ABSENT_UNPLND_HRS_PER_ABS_HRS | Number | No |
Unplanned Absenteeism Hours | The number of hours that represent Unplanned Absenteeism. | KPI_METRIC_UNPLN_ABS_HRS | Number | No |
Unscheduled Time Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_UNSCH_TM_EXCP | Number | No | |
Very Early In Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_VERLY_IN_EXCP | Number | No | |
Very Late Out Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_VLAT_OUT_EXCP | Number | No | |
Work History Violation Exception Count | KPI_METRIC_WRK_HIST_EXCP | Number | No |
Related Entities
Related Entities (Employee)
Related Entities (Business Structure)
No related entities
Additional Info
When a target is first defined for any metric or KPI, the system generates the following columns that can be used in Dataviews and reports:
- {Metric/KPIName} Target: The target value for the assigned location or employee during the time period.
- {Metric/KPIName} Threshold Value: Displays the threshold value when it is violated.
- {Metric/KPIName} Threshold Indicator: Displays the indicator text when the threshold value is violated.
- {Metric/KPIName} Evaluation Period: The evaluation period for the target. Examples: Daily, Weekly.
Core Entity
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
Business Structure
Employee | Organization | Day | Organizational Job | Paycode | Labor Category | Activity | Work Unit | Work Group | Procedure Code |
One-to-One | One-to-Many |