Access Method Profile | The employee's assigned access method profile | ACCESS_METHOD_PROFILE | String | No |
Account Locked Indicator | Indicates if the employee's account is locked due to unsuccessful login attempts | PEOPLE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED | Boolean | No |
Accrual Profile Effective Date | Effective date of the accrual profile | PEOPLE_ACCRUAL_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Accrual Profile Expiration Date | Expiration date of the accrual profile | PEOPLE_ACCRUAL_EXPIRATION_DATE | Date | No |
Accrual Profile Name | Accrual profile assigned to the employee. The accrual profile contains accrual policies, which determine how employees accrue their time, money, or both | PEOPLE_ACCRUAL_PROFILE_NAME | String | No |
Activity Profile Name | Activity profile assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_WORK_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_PROFILE_NAME | String | No |
Additional Generic Data Access Profiles | Generic data access profile(s) that are assigned to the user in addition to the default | PEOPLE_ADD_GEN_DATA_ACCESS_PROFILES | String | No |
Adjustment Rule | The employee's assigned adjustment rule | PEOPLE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE | String | No |
Adjustment Rule Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned adjustment rule | PEOPLE_ADJUSTMENT_RULE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Analytics Labor Type | Analytics labor type | PEOPLE_ANALYTICS_LABOR_TYPE | String | No |
Analytics Labor Type Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's assigned Analytics labor type | PEOPLE_ANALYTICS_LABOR_TYPE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Approval Method | The user's assigned approval method (single approval, job approval or position approval) | PEOPLE_APPROVAL_METHOD | String | No |
Assigned Currency | | PEOPLE_ASSIGNED_CURRENCY | String | No |
Attendance Administrator | The employee's assigned attendance administrator | PEOPLE_ATTENDANCE_ADMINISTRATOR | String | No |
Attendance Profile Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned attendance profile | PEOPLE_ATTENDANCE_PROFILE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Attendance Profile Name | Attendance profile assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_ATTENDANCE_PROFILE_NAME | String | No |
Authentication Type | The authentication type assigned to the employee. Either Basic or Federated | PEOPLE_AUTH_TYPE | String | No |
Auto Resolve Activity Override | Employee auto resolve activity override | PEOPLE_WORK_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_AUTO_RESOLVE_ACTIVITY_OVERRIDE | String | No |
Badge Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's badge number | PEOPLE_BADGE_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Badge Expiration Date | Expiration date of the employee's badge number | PEOPLE_BADGE_EXPIRATION_DATE | Date | No |
Badge Expiration Time | Expiration time of the employee's badge number | PEOPLE_BADGE_EXPIRATION_TIME | DateTime | No |
Badge Number | Employee's badge number | PEOPLE_BADGE_NUMBER | String | No |
Birth Date | Employee's birth date | PEOPLE_BIRTH_DATE | Date | No |
Brazil Device Group Name | Device group that specifies all Brazil timekeeping devices that the employee can access | PEOPLE_BRAZIL_DEVICE_GROUP | String | No |
Can See Transferred Employees | Can see transferred employees | PEOPLE_CAN_SEE_TRANSFERRED_EMPLOYEES | Boolean | No |
Can Approve Overtime Requests | Switch that, when selected, indicates that the manager can approve overtime requests | PEOPLE_CAN_APPROVE_OVERTIME_REQUESTS | Boolean | No |
Cascade Profile | Employee's assigned cascade profile | PEOPLE_CASCADE_PROFILE | String | No |
Clock Only User Indicator | Indicates if the employee is a clock-only user, including Smart Views on the clock | PEOPLE_CLOCK_ONLY_USER | Boolean | No |
Currency Locale | | PEOPLE_CURRENCY_LOCALE | String | No |
Currency Display Preference | | PEOPLE_USER_PREFERRED_CURRENCY | String | No |
Current Activity List Query | Employee Current Activity List Query | PEOPLE_WORK_CURRENT_LIST_QUERY | String | No |
Custom Field | Custom fields from the Additional Information section of the employee's profile | PEOPLE_CUSTOM | String | No |
Default Activity Override | Employee default activity override | PEOPLE_WORK_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_OVERRIDE | String | No |
Delegate Profile | Delegate profile | PEOPLE_DELEGATE_PROFILE | String | No |
Display Profile | The name of the Display Profile assigned to the employee | EMP_COMMON_DISPLAY_PROFILE | String | No |
Earliest Shift Weight | The employee's earliest shift weight | PEOPLE_EARLIEST_SHIFT_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Email | Employee's home e-mail address | PEOPLE_EMAIL | String | No |
Emancipated Minor Indicator | Indicates if the employee is an emancipated minor | PEOPLE_EMANCIPATED_MINOR_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Employee Group Effective Date | Effective date of the manager's assigned employee group | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_GROUP_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Employee Preferences Selector (Hours) | Allows column selection for employee preferences of type hours | SCH_EMP_PRE_SELECTOR_HOURS | Number | No |
Employee Preferences Selector (Number) | Allows column selection for employee preferences of type number | SCH_EMP_PRE_SELECTOR_NUMBER | Number | No |
Employee Preferences Selector (String) | Allows column selection for employee preferences of type string | SCH_EMP_PRE_SELECTOR_STRING | String | No |
Employee Role Indicator | Indicates if the user is assigned the employee role | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Employee Attestation Profile | The employee's assigned attestation profile | PEOPLE_ATTESTATION_PROFILE | String | No |
Employee Attestation Profile Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned attestation profile | PEOPLE_ATTESTATION_PROFILE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Employee Database ID | Employee common ID | EMP_COMMON_ID | String | No |
Employee First Name | Employee's first name | PEOPLE_FIRST_NAME | String | No |
Employee Full Name | Employee's full name | EMP_COMMON_FULL_NAME | String | No |
Employee Full Name & ID | | EMP_COMMON_FULL_NAME_AND_PERSON_NUMBER | String | No |
Employee Group | Name of the employee group assigned to the employee. The employee group defines the employees that are eligible to work for a manager | EMP_COMMON_EMPLOYEE_GROUP | String | No |
Employee Hours | Employee's assigned employee hours, used to calculate the employee's full-time equivalency (FTE) | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_HOURS | Number | No |
Employee ID | The employee's ID | PEOPLE_PERSON_NUMBER | String | No |
Employee Last Name | Employee's last name | PEOPLE_LAST_NAME | String | No |
Employee Middle Name | Employee's middle name | PEOPLE_MIDDLE_NAME | String | No |
Employee Pay Rule | Pay rule assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_PAYRULE | String | No |
Employee Photo ID | Identifier of employee's photo | EMP_COMMON_PHOTO_ID | String | No |
Employee Role Indicator | Indicates if the user is assigned the employee role | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Employee Short Name | Employee's short name | PEOPLE_SHORT_NAME | String | No |
Employment Status Date | Effective date of employment status | PEOPLE_EMPLOYMENT_STATUS_DATE | Date | No |
Employment Status | Employment status | PEOPLE_EMP_STATUS | String | No |
Employment Terms | The employee's assigned employment terms | PEOPLE_EMP_TERM | String | No |
Employment Terms End Date | End date of the employee's assigned employment terms | PEOPLE_EMP_TERM_END_DATE | Date | No |
Employment Terms Start Date | Start date of the employee's assigned employment terms | PEOPLE_EMP_TERM_START_DATE | Date | No |
Enrolled Identification | | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_IDENTIFICATION_ENROLLED | Boolean | No |
Enrolled Verification | | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_ENROLLED | Boolean | No |
Enrollment Required Indicator | Flag that, when set, indicates that the employee must enroll in biometrics | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_REQUIRED | Boolean | No |
Expected Daily Hours | Employee's expected daily hours | PEOPLE_EXPECTED_DAILY_HOURS | Number | No |
Expected Pay Period Hours | Employee's expected pay period hours | PEOPLE_EXPECTED_PAYPERIOD_HOURS_NEW | Number | No |
Expected Weekly Hours | Employee's expected weekly hours | PEOPLE_EXPECTED_WEEKLY_HOURS | Number | No |
Face Consent Date | The enrollment consent datetime of a face scan | PEOPLE_FACE_ENROLLMENT_CONSENT_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Face Consent Form | The unique version code of the form the user consented or denied consent to | PEOPLE_FACE_CONSENT_FORM | String | No |
Face Consent Location | The consent location of a face scan | PEOPLE_FACE_CONSENT_LOCATION | String | No |
Face Consent Status | The consent status of face scan | PEOPLE_FACE_CONSENT_STATUS | String | No |
Face Consent Text | Text of the consent form | PEOPLE_FACE_CONSENT_TEXT | String | No |
Face Enrolled | Whether or not a face scan is enrolled | PEOPLE_FACE_ENROLLED | Boolean | No |
Face Enrollment Consent Given | Whether or not a face scan consent is given | PEOPLE_FACE_ENROLL_CONSENT_GIVEN | Boolean | No |
Face Enrollment Date | The enrollment datetime of a face scan | PEOPLE_FACE_ENROLLMENT_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Face Enrollment Location | The enrollment location of a face scan | PEOPLE_FACE_ENROLLMENT_LOCATION | String | No |
Face Enrollment Required | Whether or not face scan is required for this person | PEOPLE_FACE_REQUIRED | Boolean | No |
Face Threshold | The Threshold of a face scan | PEOPLE_FACE_THRESHOLD | Number | No |
Finger Scan Consent Form | The unique version code of the form the user consented or denied consent to | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_CONSENT_FORM | String | No |
Finger Scan Consent Date | The consent datetime of a finger scan | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_CONSENT_DATE_TIME | DateTime | No |
Finger Scan Consent Location | The location of a finger scan | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_CONSENT_LOCATION | String | No |
Finger Scan Consent Status | The consent status of finger scan | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_CONSENT_STATUS | String | No |
Finger Scan Consent Text | Text of the consent form | PEOPLE_FINGERSCAN_CONSENT_TEXT | String | No |
FTE Percentage | Employee's assigned full-time equivalency (FTE) percentage, used to calculate accruals | PEOPLE_FTE_PERCENTAGE | Number | No |
Full-Time Hours | Employee's assigned full-time hours, used to calculate the employee's FTE | PEOPLE_FULL_TIME_HOURS | Number | No |
Full-Time Equivalency Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's assigned FTE | PEOPLE_FTE_PER_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Function Access Profile | The name of the Function Access Profile assigned to the employee | EMP_COMMON_FUNCTION_ACCESS_PROFILE | String | No |
Generic Data Access Profile Default Indicator | Indicates if the generic data access profile is the user's default | PEOPLE_GEN_DATA_ACCESS_PROFILE_DFLT_IND | Boolean | No |
Generic Data Access Profile (Default) | Generic data access profile assigned to a manager. Divides configured pay rules and accruals data among different business units or locations within the employee's organization | PEOPLE_GEN_DATA_ACCESS_PROFILE | String | No |
Generic Data Access Profile End Date | End date of the user's assigned generic data access profile | PEOPLE_GEN_DATA_ACCESS_PROFILE_END_DATE | Date | No |
Generic Data Access Profile Start Date | Start date of the user's assigned generic data access profile | PEOPLE_GEN_DATA_ACCESS_PROFILE_START_DATE | Date | No |
Hire Date | Employee's hire date | PEOPLE_HIRE_DATE | Date | No |
Home Cost Center | Name of the employee's assigned Home Cost Center | PEOPLE_HOME_COST_CENTER | String | No |
Home Cost Center Description | Employee's assigned Home Cost Center showing the description of each Labor Category Entry assigned to the employee.
Because the Home Cost Center description assignment is effective-dated, this data column returns the assignment value as of the end date of the time period for which the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_HOME_COST_CENTER_DSC | String | No |
Home Labor Category | Employee's assigned Home Labor Category with the name of each Labor Category Entry assigned to the employee separated by commas (for example, LC1Name,LC2Name,LC3Name,LC4Name,LC5Name,LC6Name) | PEOPLE_HOME_LABOR_CATEGORY | String | No |
Home Labor Category Description | Employee's assigned Home Labor Category showing the description of each Labor Category Entry assigned to the employee.
Because the Home Labor Category description assignment is effective-dated, this data column returns the assignment value as of the end date of the time period for which the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_HOME_LABOR_CATEGORY_DSC | String | No |
Home Labor Category Entry Description | Retrieves and displays each Labor Category Entry description in the employee's Primary Labor Category path | PEOPLE_HOME_LABOR_CATEGORY_ENTRY_DESCRIPTION | String | No |
Home Labor Category Entry Name | Retrieves and displays each Labor Category Entry name in the employee's Primary Labor Category path | PEOPLE_HOME_LABOR_CATEGORY_ENTRY_NAME | String | No |
Home Labor Category TeleTime IP Alias | Retrieves and displays the combined home TeleTime IP Alias values for each of the labor category entries within the home labor account (L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6) | PEOPLE_HOME_LABOR_CATEGORY_TELETIME_IP_ALIAS | String | No |
Home Zip Code | Employee's home zip code | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_ZIPCODE_HOME | String | No |
Home Address | Employee's home street address | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_STREET_HOME | String | No |
Home City | Employee's home city | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_CITY_HOME | String | No |
Home Country | Employee's home country | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_HOME | String | No |
Home State | Employee's home state | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_STATE_HOME | String | No |
Hourly Wage Rate Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's base wage | PEOPLE_HOURLY_WAGE_RATE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Hyperfind Query for Home Employees | Hyperfind query for home employees that is assigned to a manager | PEOPLE_HYPERFIND_HOME_EMPLOYEES | String | No |
Idle Activity Override | Employee idle activity override | PEOPLE_WORK_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_IDLE_TIME_OVERRIDE | String | No |
Job Transfer Set (Employee) | Jobs to which the employee can transfer | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_JOB_TRANSFER_SET | String | No |
Job Transfer Set (Manager Additions) | | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_MANAGER_ADDITIONS | String | No |
Job Transfer Set (Manager) | Jobs to which the manager can transfer | PEOPLE_MANAGER_JOB_TRANSFER_SET | String | No |
Job Transfer Set Effective Date (Employee) | Effective date of the employee's assigned job transfer set | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_JOB_TRANSFER_SET_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Job Transfer Set Effective Date (Manager) | Effective date of the manager's assigned job transfer set | PEOPLE_MANAGER_JOB_TRANSFER_SET_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Labor Category List Profile (Employee) | Labor category profile assigned to the employee that defines the labor category values that are valid for the employee to transfer to in each labor category.
If a value is in the validation list assigned to the employee's work location and the value is in the validation list assigned to the profile specified here, then it will be a valid option for the employee to select during a labor category transfer. If a value does not meet both criteria, it will not be an available option | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_LABOR_CATEGORY | String | No |
Labor Category List Profile (Manager) | | PEOPLE_MANAGER_LABOR_CATEGORY | String | No |
Labor Category Profile (Manager Additions) | | PEOPLE_EMPLOYEE_LABOR_CATEGORY_PROFILE_MANAGER_ADDITIONS | String | No |
Last Password Change Date | Date and time of the employee's last password change | PEOPLE_LAST_PASSWORD_CHANGE_DATE | DateTime | No |
Leave Profile | The employee's assigned leave profile | PEOPLE_LEAVE_PROFILE | String | No |
Leave Administrator | The employee's assigned leave administrator | PEOPLE_LEAVE_ADMINISTRATOR | String | No |
Locale Policy | Locale policy | PEOPLE_LOCALE_POLICY | String | No |
Logon Profile | Employee profile that is assigned to the user. The employee profile contains password information and session restrictions | PEOPLE_LOGON_PROFILE | String | No |
Longest Shift Weight | The employee's longest shift weight | PEOPLE_LONGEST_SHIFT_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Manager Attestation Profile | The manager's assigned attestation profile | PEOPLE_ATTESTATION_PROFILE_MGR | String | No |
Manager Role Indicator | Indicates if the user is assigned the manager role | PEOPLE_MANAGER_ROLE_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Manager Attestation Profile Effective Date | The effective date of the manager's assigned attestation profile | PEOPLE_ATTESTATION_PROFILE_MGR_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Manager Role Indicator | Indicates if the user is assigned the manager role | PEOPLE_MANAGER_ROLE_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Meal Activity Override | Employee meal activity override | PEOPLE_WORK_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_MEAL_ACTIVITY_OVERRIDE | String | No |
MFA Required Indicator | Indicates if the employee is required to use multi-factor authentication | PEOPLE_MFA_REQUIRED | Boolean | No |
Minor Rule Set | The employee's assigned minor rule set | PEOPLE_MINOR_RULE_SET | String | No |
Most Hours per Week Weight | The employee's most hours per week weight | PEOPLE_MOST_HRS_PER_WK_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Notification Profile | Notification profile | PEOPLE_NOTIFICATION_PROFILE | String | No |
Organization Group Set | Organization group set | PEOPLE_MANAGER_ACCESS_ORG_GROUP | String | No |
Organization Group Set Effective Date | Organization group set effective date | PEOPLE_MANAGER_ACCESS_ORG_GROUP_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Override Employee Preferences Indicator | Indicates if the employee's scheduling preferences are overridden in schedule generation | PEOPLE_OVERRIDE_EMP_PREF_INDICATOR | Boolean | No |
Overriding Personal Rule | The overriding personal rule assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_OVERRIDING_PERSONAL_RULE | String | No |
Overtime Rule Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned overtime rule | PEOPLE_OVERTIME_RULE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Overtime Rule Reset Interval | The overtime rule reset interval assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_OVERTIME_RULE_RESET_INTERVAL | String | No |
Overtime Rule | The employee's assigned overtime rule | PEOPLE_OVERTIME_RULE | String | No |
Paid Break Activity Override | Employee paid break activity override | PEOPLE_WORK_DEFAULT_ACTIVITY_PAID_BREAK_ACTIVITY_OVERRIDE | String | No |
Pattern Template Profile | The pattern template profile assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_PATTERN_TEMPLATE_PROFILE | String | No |
Pay Rule Effective Date | Date on which the assigned pay rule becomes effective for the employee | PEOPLE_PAYRULE_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Paycode Values Profile | The employee's assigned paycode values profile | PEOPLE_PAYCODE_VALUES_PROFILE | String | No |
Paycodes "Edit" Profile (Employee) | Name of the profile, currently assigned to the employee, that defines the group of paycodes that the employee can edit.
Because the employee's Paycodes "Edit" Profile assignment is not effective-dated, this data column always returns the name of the employee's currently assigned profile when the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_EMP_PAYCODES_EDIT_PROFILE | String | No |
Paycodes "Edit" Profile (Manager) | Name of the profile, currently assigned to the manager, that defines the group of paycodes that the manager can edit.
Because the manager's Paycodes "Edit" Profile assignment is not effective-dated, this data column always returns the name of the manager's currently assigned profile when the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_MGR_PAYCODES_EDIT_PROFILE | String | No |
Paycodes "View" Profile (Manager) | Name of the profile, currently assigned to the manager, that defines the group of paycodes that the manager can see but not edit.
Because the manager's Paycodes "View" Profile assignment is not effective-dated, this data column always returns the name of the manager's currently assigned profile when the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_MGR_PAYCODES_VIEW_PROFILE | String | No |
Percent Allocation Rule | The employee's assigned percent allocation rule | PEOPLE_PERCENTAGE_ALLOCATION_RULE | String | No |
Percent Allocation Rule Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's assigned percent allocation rule | PEOPLE_PERCENTAGE_ALLOCATION_RULE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Person's Date Default Date | Default date of the person-specific date assigned to the employee.
This column is "parameterized." That is, the user who selects this column when creating a Dataview or report chooses the desired person-specific date from all such dates that are defined in the application. If necessary, the user can add each of these parameterized columns multiple times, configured with a different person-specific date | PEOPLE_PERSONS_DATE_DEFAULT_DATE | Date | Yes |
Person's Date Description | Description of the person-specific date assigned to the employee.
This column is "parameterized." That is, the user who selects this column when creating a Dataview or report chooses the desired person-specific date from all such dates that are defined in the application. If necessary, the user can add each of these parameterized columns multiple times, configured with a different person-specific date | PEOPLE_PERSONS_DATE_DESCRIPTION | String | Yes |
Person's Date Name | Name of the person-specific date assigned to the employee.
This column is "parameterized."That is, the user who selects this column when creating a Dataview or report chooses the desired person-specific date from all such dates that are defined in the application. If necessary, the user can add each of these parameterized columns multiple times, configured with a different person-specific date | PEOPLE_PERSONS_DATE_NAME | String | Yes |
Person's Date Override Date | Override date of the person-specific date assigned to the employee.
This column is "parameterized." That is, the user who selects this column when creating a Dataview or report chooses the desired person-specific date from all such dates that are defined in the application. If necessary, the user can add each of these parameterized columns multiple times, configured with a different person-specific date | PEOPLE_PERSONS_DATE_OVERRIDE_DATE | Date | Yes |
Person System ID | Employee person ID (Database ID) | PEOPLE_PERSON_ID | String | No |
Phone Number | Employee's phone number | PEOPLE_PHONE_NUMBER | String | No |
Preferred Availability Weight | The employee's preferred availability weight | PEOPLE_PREFERRED_AVAILABILITY_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Preferred Day Off Weight | The employee's preferred day off weight | PEOPLE_PREFERRED_DAY_OFF_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Preferred Hours per Week Weight | The employee's preferred hours per week weight | PEOPLE_PREFERRED_HRS_PER_WK_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Preferred Job Weight | The employee's preferred job weight | PEOPLE_PREFERRED_JOB_WEIGHT | Number | No |
Preferred Zone | The employee's preferred zone | PEOPLE_PREFERRED_ZONE | String | No |
Preferred Zone Category | The employee's preferred zone category | PEOPLE_PREFERRED_ZONE_CATEGORY | String | No |
Primary Finger Enrollment Location | Employee's primary finger scan enrollment location | PEOPLE_PRIMARY_FINGERSCAN_ENROLL_LOCATION | String | No |
Primary Finger Verification Threshold | Employee's primary finger scan enrollment verifcation threshold | PEOPLE_PRIMARY_FINGERSCAN_THRESHOLD | Number | No |
Primary Job | Name of the employee's primary job | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_JOB | String | No |
Primary Job Code | | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_JOB_CODE | String | No |
Primary Job Description (Generic) | Description of the employee's primary job | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_JOB_DESCRIPTION | String | No |
Primary Job Description | | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_ORG_DESCRIPTION | String | No |
Primary Job Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's primary job | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_JOB_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Primary Job Expiration Date | Expiration date of the employee's primary job | EMP_PRIMARY_JOB_END_DATE | Date | No |
Primary Job Sort Order | | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_JOB_SORT_ORDER | Number | No |
Primary Job Title | | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_JOB_TITLE | String | No |
Primary Location (Path) | | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_ORG | String | No |
Primary Location Name | Name of the Primary Location based on the selected location type | PEOPLE_PRIMARY_LOCATION_NAME | String | Yes |
Primary Location Description | Description of the Primary Location based on the selected location type | PEOPLE_PRIMARY_LOCATION_DESCRIPTION | String | Yes |
Primary Location Description (Path) | Full path of the employee's primary job using the description of each location | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_ORG_DSC | String | No |
Primary Location Full Name | Full name of the primary location based on the selected location type | PEOPLE_PRIMARY_LOCATION_FULLNAME | String | Yes |
Primary Location Full Name (Path) | Full path of the employee's primary job using the full name of each location | EMP_COMMON_PRIMARY_ORG_FULL_NM | String | No |
Primary Location Name | Name of the primary location based on the selected location type | PEOPLE_PRIMARY_LOCATION_NAME | String | Yes |
Process Predictive Scheduling Changes Effective Date | The effective date of the process predictive scheduling changes indicator | PEOPLE_PROC_PREDICTIVE_SCHD_CHNGS_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Process Predictive Scheduling Changes Indicator | Indicates if predictive scheduling changes will be processed for the employee | PEOPLE_PROC_PREDICTIVE_SCHD_CHNGS_IND | Boolean | No |
Reports To Employee ID | The Employee ID of the employee's manager as identified by the Reports To field of the employee record | PEOPLE_PERSON_NUMBER_MANAGER | String | No |
Reports Profile | Manager's assigned reports profile | PEOPLE_REPORTS_PROFILE | String | No |
Reports To | Name of the employee's manager | PEOPLE_MANAGER_NAME | String | No |
Require Password Change Indicator | Indicates if the employee is required to change the password at the next login | PEOPLE_REQUIRE_PASSWORD_CHANGE | Boolean | No |
Schedule Rule Set Optimization Override Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned schedule rule set optimization override | PEOPLE_SCHD_RULE_SET_OPTIM_OVERRIDE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Schedule Rule Set Optimization Override | The employee's assigned schedule rule set optimization override | PEOPLE_SCHD_RULE_SET_OPTIM_OVERRIDE | String | No |
Schedule Group Assignment Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's assigned schedule group | PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_GROUP_ASSIGNMENT_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
Schedule Group Assignment Expiration Date | Expiration date of the employee's assigned schedule group | PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_GROUP_ASSIGNMENT_EXPIRATION_DATE | Date | No |
Schedule Group Assignment Name | Employee's assigned schedule group | PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_GROUP_ASSIGNMENT_NAME | String | No |
Schedule Group Profile | The schedule group profile assigned to the employee | PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_GROUP_PROFILE | String | No |
Schedule Rule Set | The employee's assigned schedule rule set | PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_RULE_SET | String | No |
Schedule Rule Set Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned schedule rule set | PEOPLE_SCHEDULE_RULE_SET_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Schedule Rule Set Optimization Override | The employee's assigned schedule rule set optimization override | PEOPLE_SCHD_RULE_SET_OPTIM_OVERRIDE | String | No |
Schedule Rule Set Optimization Override Effective Date | The effective date of the employee's assigned schedule rule set optimization override | PEOPLE_SCHD_RULE_SET_OPTIM_OVERRIDE_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
School Calendar | The employee's assigned school calendar | PEOPLE_SCHOOL_CALENDAR | String | No |
Seniority Date | Employee's seniority date | PEOPLE_SENIORITY_DATE | Date | No |
Shift Template Profile (Manager) | Manager's assigned shift template profile | PEOPLE_SHIFT_TEMPLATE_PROFILE | String | No |
Shift Template Profile (Manager) | The manager's assigned shift template profile | PEOPLE_SHIFT_TEMPLATE_PROFILE_MGR | String | No |
Time Entry Method | Employee's assigned time-entry method: either Project View, Hourly View, Time Stamp, or Time Stamp & Hourly View. The time-entry method determines how the employee can view and enter time.
Because the time-entry method assignment is effective-dated, this data column returns the assignment value as of the end date of the time period for which the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_TIME_ENTRY_METHOD | String | No |
Time Entry Method Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's assigned time entry method | PEOPLE_TIME_ENTRY_METHOD_EFF_DATE | Date | No |
Time Zone | Employee's time zone | PEOPLE_TIMEZONE | String | No |
UDM Device Group Name | Device group that specifies all timekeeping devices that the employee can access | PEOPLE_UDM_DEVICE_GROUP | String | No |
User Account Name | Employee's user name | PEOPLE_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME | String | No |
User Account Status Effective Date | Effective date of the employee's current account status | PEOPLE_USER_STATUS_EFFECTIVE_DATE | Date | No |
User Preferred Currency | Currency display preference for the manager. This allows managers to view monetary values of employees (which may be different from how they are paid) | PEOPLE_MANAGER_CURRENCY_DISPLAY_PREFERENCE | String | No |
User Status | Status of the employee's user account | PEOPLE_USER_STATUS | String | No |
Wage Profile | | PEOPLE_WAGE_PROFILE | String | No |
Work Rule Profile (Employee) | Name of the profile, currently assigned to the employee, that defines the group of work rules that the employee can select.
Because the employee's Work Rule Profile assignment is not effective-dated, this data column always returns the name of the employee's currently assigned profile when the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_EMP_WORK_RULE_PROFILE | String | No |
Work Rule Profile (Manager) | Name of the profile, currently assigned to the manager, that defines the group of work rules that the manager can select.
Because the manager's Work Rule Profile assignment is not effective-dated, this data column always returns the name of the manager's currently assigned profile when the Dataview or report is run | PEOPLE_MGR_WORK_RULE_PROFILE | String | No |
Work Zip Code | Employee's work zip code | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_ZIPCODE_WORK | String | No |
Work Address | Employee's work street address | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_STREET_WORK | String | No |
Work City | Employee's work city | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_CITY_WORK | String | No |
Work Country | Employee's work country | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_WORK | String | No |
Work State | Employee's work state | PEOPLE_ADDRESS_STATE_WORK | String | No |
Worker Type | Employee worker type, such as Full Time, Hourly, or Part Time | PEOPLE_WORKER_TYPE | String | No |
Workflow Employee Profile | Employee process profile that is assigned to the user | PEOPLE_WORKFLOW_EMPLOYEE_PROFILE | String | No |
Workflow Manager Profile | Manager process Profile that is assigned to the user | PEOPLE_WORKFLOW_MANAGER_PROFILE | String | No |