Float Actual Hours Indicator | Indication of whether floated hours are from the employee timecard | SCH_FLOAT_IS_ACTUAL | Boolean | No |
Float Duration | Duration of the employee float | SCH_FLOAT_DURATION_HOURS | Number | No |
Float End Date Time | End date and time of the employee float | SCH_FLOAT_END_DATETIME | Date | No |
Float Job | Job to which the employee was floated | SCH_FLOAT_JOB | String | No |
Float Job (Path) | Full path to the job to which the employee was floated | SCH_FLOAT_JOB_PATH | String | No |
Float Location (Path) | Full path to the location to which the employee was floated | SCH_FLOAT_LOCATION_PATH | String | No |
Float Shift Start Date | Float shift start date | SCH_FLOAT_SHIFT_START_DATE | Date | No |
Float Start Date Time | Start date and time of the employee float | SCH_FLOAT_START_DATETIME | Date | No |
Float Type | Indication of whether the employee has floated in or out | SCH_FLOAT_TYPE | String | No |
Schedule Shift ID | Shift ID of the scheduled shift | SCH_FLOAT_SCHEDULE_SHIFT_ID | String | No |
Work Item ID | ID of the work item | SCH_FLOAT_WORK_ITEM_ID | String | No |